Ben's fouth grade teacher x Male Reader

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Author:(You are brother of Joel Tennyson who is the son of Gordon Tennyons who is brother of Max Tennyson.That all makes you great-unckle son or a second cousin to Ben and Gwen.The idea for this story came to me after I was thinking of ideas for comedy movies.The title would've been:I'm dating my cousin's teacher.Also I hope you dont mind,but I removed the wrinkles from under her eyes and added pink cheeks for a healthier and more youthfull apearance.)

Ben was walking across his front yard with clear dislike of the day hes been having.Boring and hard schoolwork,bothersome bullies and a distinct lack of Galvan grade alien watch.Since he was still in the fourth grade he didnt yet get answer to most of his problems.He opened the doors and went to his room where he could drop his school bag on the floor and lay down on his bed.His moment of rest was short lived when he heard a knock.

Ben:What is it?

Knock knock knock

Ben was now frustrated.He got of his bed and stomped of to his doors in anger.He swung the doors open and his anger melted away to be replaced with joy.


Ben jumped in a hug of his older cousin.

Y/N:Hey sport,how are you doing?

Ben:Where were you?

Y/N:Oh here and there.Ive been so busy lately that I wanted to relax for a while and spend some time with my favourite cousin.

Y/N set Ben down on the floor before they moved to his bed and took a seat.

Y/N:So how has it been lately?

Ben:Well,the PE teacher says Im going great on the soccer field.But Im having problem with my math teacher.

Y/N:How so?

Ben:Im sure she has it in for me.Always giving me hard tasks,giving me detentions for small pranks.Shes out of control.

Y/N:(Forgot how imaginative he is.)

Y/N:Hey,I have an idea.Maybe I could go on your next parent teacher meeting.Settle some things down with her.

Y/N:(And when it turns out shes not doing anything bad,maybe hell start to study harder.)

Ben:You could do that?
Y/N:Theres only one way to find out.Besides looking it up on the internet.

Timeskip parent teacher meeting

Y/N entered the elementary school with both visible enthusiasm and worry.He was immesurebly glad the schooldays were behind him.He found his young cousins classroom and knocked on the doors.

???:Come in.

Y/N hesitantly turned the knob and opened the classroom doors.It was a classic classroom.A bunch of desks and chairs,chalkboard,kids drawing and at the teachers desk sat a beautyfull woman with shorth brown hair.

???:Exuse me sir,do you need anything.

Y/N:Yes,Im here on behalf of Benjamin Tennysons parents.Im his cousin,Y/N Tennyson.

???:Is that so?Then please take a seat please.Your cousin talks about you constantly.Im Miss Zoey Anderson.

Y/N:Miss?So there isnt a Mister Anderson?

Ms.Anderson:At least not in Bellwood.Now,concerning Bens behaviour in class.He doesnt pay attention and is constantly entertaining himself and the rest of the class. Drawing while Im showing the class how to solve an equation on the board,throwing paper planes,need I go on?

Y/N:Please do.You have a great voice.

Ms.Anderson:Please focus.

Y/N:But Im not a student here so its not unorthodox.

Ben10 human girls x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now