Female Ben x Shy Male Reader

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One of the special Plumber agents Rook Blonko,first Plumber of his species,was casually sitting at the table at Mr.Smoothie and drinking his beverage.Not a moment later and his peace was disturbed by his brunette human female partner who slammer her cup on the table dramatically.

Bene:I'm done with dating!

Rook:Yet again.

Bene:I mean it this time.I only attract wirdos.Julian was too possesive,that creep Kai(both male and female name) that constantly wanted me in my Blitzwolfer form.Did you know It was because of him that I changed her name?

Rook:Yes,I was there.

Bene:What was wrong with Benewolf?I liked it,why would I need to change it just to impress some guy?Then there was that primitive Loomar that was constantly boasting about his strength and claims I'm his because he managed to beat my Fourarms one time,and Attan that first called me monkey girl then suddenly he was in love with Bullyfrag.The only decent relationship I had was with Ethan but he thought I wasn't commited enough so after the whole Charles Zennith thing I found out he was already seeing that biker girl.

Rook:Yes,you do have considerably bad luck when it comes to courts.

Bene:That's courting.Why cant I find somebody normal that doesnt mind me being myself?

Rook:I do not know.Most of the time I am uncertain of what you are talking about.I sugest you console a currently popular romantic movie to aid you.

Bene:Not helping.From now on,Im staying single and woah.

Her eyes fell on the boy arounng her age,walking across the street with a bag of newspapers.

Bene:Dont think I saw him before.

Rook:Perhaps it is for the best.

Bene:How do you figure that?
Rook:You have just decided to stop dating.It is my duty as your parter to help you achive your goal for your own good.

Bene:Try to stop me and Im going Wildmutt.

She drank down the rest of her smoorhie,left some money and started walking towards her newest source of attraction.Meanwhile,Rook returned to casually drinking his smoothie.

Rook:She will never learn.

The teenage boy across the street was walking around almost aimlessly.He took out phone but while looking at it,he almost bumped into Bene.

Bene:Hey there.Are you lost?

Y/N:Sort off.Im looking for this adress.

He showed her a paper with a list of adresses,half of them crossed.

Bene:Oh,its in my neighborhood.I can walk you there.

She flashed him a bright smile which made him blush like Tetramand.


She put and arm around hid shoulder and led him forward.

Bene:So whats with the bag dude?

Y/N:Im delivering the newspapers to our subscribers.

Bene:People subscribe to the newspapers?Dont they have TVs or the internet?

Y/N:Some are old fashioned.And its easier when the news are delivered to their doorsteps instead of going into town.

Bene:I guess.So what made you pick this as a job?

Y/N:I saw it in a old Zagor comic Chico the journalist.I thought it would be a fun thing to try out.Its a good way to stay in shape.

Bene:I can see.Could use a bit more muscle but overall,you have a nice figure.

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