Molly Gunther x Maler reader

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Author:(At first I was planing on using the picture above for a young female version of Max Tennyson.I think that the story would take place somewhere around 1960-s.Im not quite sure how I would write that entire story so I picked Molly Gunther instead.)

Y/N was now the happiest human in the galaxy.After many months of hard work and sleepless learning he had finnally became a real Plumber.Right now he was teleporting back to Earth to a Plumber base.There he was welcomed with a smiling face of a Plumber legend Max Tennyson.

Max:I take it youre Y/N.Welcome aboard.

Y/N:Thank you so much sir.Its a real honor to meet you.

Max:No need to call me sir.Magister Tennyson is enough.Anyways,you will be asinged to one of our alpha squad memebers.

Y/N:Alpha squad?!You mean it?

Max:Youre the top cadet of your generation so I see a lot of potential in you.Here comes your new mentor now.

Max turned his head and Y/N walked over to see a woman in red Plumber suit and a neck lenght brown hair that coveres her left eye walked over to them and saluted when she got to Max.

Plumber woman:Magister Tennyson.

Max:Y/N,this is Molly Gunther.Molly,Y/N L/N.He will be your partner.

Molly:Nice to meet you

She offered her hand with a genuine smile as they shook hands.

Y/N didnt know why but he seemed to get lost in those eyes.

Max:What do you say?

Max:I said that there is a chase in Bellwood.Think youre ready?
Y/N:Yes sir,I mean Magister Tennyson.

Y/N acompanied Molly in her Plumber car which had more space than her previous vehicle.They drove out of the base and joined in the persuit on the streets of Bellwood.

Somehow the Vreedle brothers hijacked the truck full of Taydens from the taxes.Molly drove to the side of the truck since the cargo part would be inpentetrable.

Molly:Take the wheel!


Molly started to climb on top of their vehicle so it began to slowdown.Y/N quickly changed the seats and grabbed the wheel before driving closer to the tayden truck. Molly shot a small blast in the window and jumped feet first into the truck knocking out the driver Vreedle.

Romboid:Octagon!Whyd you gone and done that to my brother?

Molly:Same reason Im gonna do this.

Truck began to shake with a lot of punching sounds before it stopped.When the Plumbers parked their vehicles they saw the Vreedle brothers falling out the door and Molly stepping out.She started to walk over to Y/N when she said:

Molly:Cuff them.

With her back turned the Octagon Vreedle temporarily woke up and raised his blaster at Molly.Y/N saw it and jumped at ther bringing them both down as the laser hit a random Plumber vehicle.The Vreedle fell uncoincious again and two Plumbers ran to aprehand them.During that all Y/N was on the ground with Molly under him.She didnt seem angry at all.She just kept her smile.

Molly:Maybe cuff them faster next time.You can get up now

Y/N:I-Im sorry.I was destracted.

Y/N stood up and pulled Molly to her feet.


With the Vreedles arrested and the tayden truck returned the Plumbers came back to the base.Molly and Y/N were in an empty surveilance room operated by the robot bucket.

Ben10 human girls x male readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon