Mad Gwen x Male reader

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Author:(I couldnt find a good enough picture so I tought how that gave me an oprotunity to come up with a completly different design then other Mad Ben characters.Her description will be written upon your meeting.)

No ones P.O.V. Mad Ben universe Benwood

Y/N was one of Ben Tennysons manny,manny slaves.Ben made him and the others dig tirelessly for days without care wheter theyd survive or not.One of the slaves told him that a two days drive from Benwood,theres a jungle oasis with more water any person could have asked forThe man that told him that was very old and wouldnt survive the journey.A week or two of digging more and hed be sent to prison,along with all the others who couldnt carry out his orders.

Y/N knew there was no way to steal a car and drove off without alarming anyone.So instead,he took two pieces of meat and stole a guards waterskin.While everybody slept he took of the chains,that were merely placed on him but werent locked in days and snuck out.Nights breeze and luck of sunlight were welcoming assets on his journey.For days he wondered the desert wasteland with a single change of scenery.

Y/Ns P.O.V.

Seventh day and Im begging to lose hope.My water and food supply...all gone.I cant remember the sound of my voice anymore.I have to keep what little moisture there is in my mouth.I lookup fom my shadown covered path to see a giant mountain in my way.If I climb it I could get a better viewpoint.But Im to tired and it would take too much time.I decide to go around and enjoy what little time I spend in its shadow.

About halfaway through I hear a wind from my side.I look to where the sound was coming from to see a hole in the mountain about half my size.I kneel in front of it and I sensed moisture and a sweet smell.Maybe theres some underground source.I need to drink soon or I wont make it.I squeezzed throught the opening as much I could while avoiding any sherp points.

I made a wrong movement with my arm sliped dpwn the tunnel.Once I feel out I felt something soft touching all over my body.I sat up and saw...leafs,flowers,plant,life!I heard the sound of running water and crawled my way up to the waterfall with a river flowing from it across the entire place.I just dive my head into the water and drink as much as possible.


I heard something but I couldnt recognise it under the water so I ignored it until I saw a shadow opposite of myself.I pull my head out to see a woman floating over the water.She had a long orange hair tied in a tail,with the top of her hair covered by a stone crown shaped like a jaguars head.Her outfit was a red rob that went past her feet.

Author:(The Charmcasters robe from the original series but red.)

Her clothes under the robe looked like a jungle girls jaguar pelt that covered her entire body apart from neck and knee down.She also had a staff with a metal bird skull that had a gold ring trough the eyes.The legendary Staff of Ages.

???:Well well well.What do we have here?Another one of my cousins escaped slave.

Y/N:(Gulp)Cousin?Then that means youre-

???:Supreme sorceress Gwendolynn Tennysons.Ruler of this oasys and everything in it. Including you and all your other slave friends.

She points to behind herself where a bunch of people were made to pick fruit,clean the giant temple and farm.There were large stone creatue keeping a close eye on them with whips ready in their hands.I then felt an strange force lft me of the ground as my body was cased in transparent red magic.

Gwendolynn:You may have escaped my cousins tyranny but you days as a slave are far from over.

She tossed me to one of her stone creatures that lcarried me to what I could only call the prison cells.Or even servants quarters.Ive been there so long that the night fell. My stomach may have been partially filled with water but I was still hungry.Then I heard the doors to my cell open up.Id stood up to see who it is but my neck was chained to the wall.It was a slave gir and like the others I jave seen was covered in old brown clothes but this one had a brown cloth covering her face so only her green eyes were visible.

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