Anniversary #2

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Sorry I'm a day late but first I need to start with a bad news.While I did prepared the second anniversary chapter four months ago,reread it over and over,added new things,it was all for not.Two days ago,my phone quite litteraly died.Well,it still sounds of the alarms but I can't turn it off or do anything on it since the screen isn't responding.So I had to transfer as much a possible onto a new phone but while I did getthe apps,they were empty.It's not so much about restarting every game from scratch as much as loosing four year of everything I wrote.Every movie,cartoon or story idea.Including those that I wanted to tell you about in this chapter.But I stayed collected and decided to try and remember as much as possible.And memory isn't my strong suit.

I was really aiming to reach at least 250 followers before my birthday but that went by faster than expected and I reached even 280.

The stories that I'll be dealing with for the coming year(s) or longer now are as following.Although I don't remember the order they went in.

Number 1:Ben 10 Female animals,objects,plats x male reader

I'm sure I mentioned it already.I'll take different objects,animals,plants,food and even terms like rain and desert and make them into living female characters.Except for animals,plants and some food since they're already alive.A big difference between this and my old Ben 10 books is that I'll follow the show from episode to episode.I already made few hundred drawings but near the end I got better at drawing,more creative and more thourough.So I had to start all over again.Some stories will be inspired by Transformers,Pokemon,old cartoon or something simply made up.That way the read won't have to constantly hide the female every chapter.That'd be boring.I promise you'll be surprised every step of the way.Like how I didn't know how to draw or write about a female minigun so I put it as an arm of a robot girl.With a very short temper.If thing turn out well with this book,I might make a sequel for Ultimate Alien Force and Omniverse.The whole idea started of when I tried to draw Ben's favorite foods,chilly fries and smoothy.Even though latter one is a drink.

Numero 2:DC Female characters x male reader

I mentioned this some time ago and a lot were interested in this book.One thing I'm brining back from the last book,is the living objects and anthro animals like female utility belt or female anthro Ace the Bathound.I will aslo leave little messages in the pictures.It could be a quote or a joke like Zatanna's card saying"Want to see a magic trick?"The text will also be on themed cards.Like batfamily having their text on a bat symboly,Female Joker on a joker card or Female Solomon Grundy text on a gravestone.The art will be taken from the shows rather than the comics to keep it more fresh.Like Batman Brave And The Bold.Also,I already got prepared around 100 characters so if you have a sugestion,write it down somewhere and wait until we're through with original characters.

Numeric unit 3:Marvel Female characters x male reader

Basically the same thing as the DC book but I think I kind of prefer Marvel.The representative of the two universe seem to be Batman and Spiderman by popularity and ammount of work.Writing DC stories always feels like I'm writing a night scene while Marvel's brighter.More during the days.This book with also having living objects and anthrofied creatures and what I neglected to mention in DC(so the books would have roughly equall ammount of text)I'll be doing all genderbent art on my own.And I have to say,I'm bad at drawing humans.But hey,we come here for stories,not art.That we can find on goggle Difference here is that I went a bit bolder with scahracters like Female Spiderham from episode with Loki and such.


Through my life,I kept drawing ideas for cartoons.I even published one idea a year and something ago but with highschool and other books,I didn't have enough time for it.Plus,it had low view count.Guess it wasn't that interesting.Plus,with all ideas I wrote and now lost,I probabley couldn't continue.But this an almagamation of my more detailed ideas.Usually the hero always has animal or shapeshifting themed power in my cartoon but this time it's something more.So the hero would be using the creatures I write documentaries about.And I'll replace the old art with new,more detailed one as soon as possible.Hopefully during next week.Sadly the latest episode got lost so I'll have to start over.And all the scientific names will have to be redone.Anyways,back to the cartoon.There was even a crossover episode with DC where Joker themed up with my villian known for mutating and made bigger,mosterous Bud and Lou.After teaming uo with Batman,the hero send Joker to jail but the prison truck driver is one of his goons.Then angry Harley Quinn leaves the shadows to say how they have to have a talk about honesty and trust over how he took her babied without her knowing.But I'm not sude wheter to use it.There will of course be no shortage of female characters.When they make enough or final appearance,I'll write the main character x female character fanfic in it's own book.I'm still a oneshot author after all.

Ben10 human girls x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now