Chapter 11 - Secret Adventure

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A couple of weeks passed again, and we were going undefeated since the Chelsea game, winning to teams like Reading, Everton and Aston Villa. We were on our way to making the Champions League, something that I had dreamed of doing since I was a young kid. 

I was on facetime with Kristie one night and started on the subject of Sam.
"So, how are you and Sam?" I asked her, very curious to see the blooming of the relationship.
"I really like her, Inds. I feel so connected with her," she said, softly, "I don't know, is that cheesy?"
"A little, but it's cute. Do you talk often?" I asked.
"Yeah, we facetime nearly every night." To say that was unexpected is an understatement, I didn't realise they were that friendly now. "I may be coming to England in a couple of days... to see her." She looked at me, wanting to see the expression on my face.
"Oh my god," I started, "Really? That's amazing. How?"
"Well, we have an international break that starts on Monday, but the League gave us an extra week off, so I am going off the radar in a sense." I am flabbergasted, to say the least.
"Will you make time to see me?" I asked, seriously, hoping that if she made the effort to come to England, the least she could do was see me.
"Well, actually, I was wondering if I could stay with you, for the week? I don't really want to stay at Sam's. I've never really met her so that would be weird." That still strikes me as strange that they have never properly met. Obviously they have played against each other in the NWSL and Sam has played Kristie's sister, as Sam Mewis plays for Manchester City, but they have never properly met.
"Yeah, of course. Want me to pick you up?" She nodded, smiling.
"Yes please," she replied.

Kristie arrived in London a couple days after our facetime. I picked her up from the airport, and we had a long awaited reunion. I hadn't seen my best friend in nearly 6 months, and I missed her like crazy. On the drive to my apartment, we caught up on all things soccer, gossip and life. She told me about her relationship with Sam and how it is flirty, but to the extreme. And I caught her up on Jill, and how our relationship is blooming. Kristie is so happy that I found someone who made me feel special, and unique, especially with everything I went through before I met Jill, and similarly, after Kris and Rachel broke up, I am glad she found someone, especially since Rachel is with another girl now, only a couple months post break up.

We arrive at my apartment, and I show her the guest room and where she can put her stuff. She unpacks and we go to get a coffee.
"So when are you seeing Sam?" I asked her, not wanting to intrude, but wanting to know her plans for the week.
"Um, tonight I think. She is getting me from your place."
"Are you nervous?" I asked her, solemnly. She nodded.
"Nervous but excited."

Later that evening, Sam arrived at my apartment at seven, and I opened the door. Kristie was still getting ready and I felt like a Mum letting in her daughter's date.
"Sammi," I said, giving her a hug, "This is exciting." I proclaimed, letting her in the house. "Kris is getting ready." Sam and I both get a beer and have a drink.
"Kristie!" I shouted, "Sam is here!"
"I am coming!" She recalled back.
When she came out, she looked stunning. She had a big coat on, as it is freezing in London in February, and a black shirt and jeans. Her blonde hair was out and flowed down her shoulders. She went and gave Sam a hug and, surprisingly, it wasn't awkward. I think they are both so comfortable in their own skins and so confident in themselves, that they wouldn't let this be awkward. I admire them.
"You look so cute," Kristie said to Sam, as she held her hand like it was her own.
"Ok, off you two!" I said, as they left the apartment.
"Bye Inds," they both called out to me. I went over to the couch and started to watch some football, old replays of world cup finals and olympic glory.

It was one in the morning when Kristie and Sam arrived back. I was half awake when I heard a kiss at the door and it slightly creeped shut.
"Kris, I'm not asleep," I called out to her.
"Thank god, I need to talk," she replies, earnestly, turning the lamp on and sitting next to me.
"How was it?" I asked, slowly trying to get back awake.
"Amazing. She is amazing," she started to say as she ran me through her and Sam's date from where they went, to what they talked about, to their first kiss.
"Ok, who made the move, you or her?" I asked her.
"She did," Kristie said, smiling, "we were sitting in a park, looking up at the sky. I was really cold and so I leaned into her, and she put her arms around me. And then she pulled my face to look at her, and she leant in and kissed me." As Kristie spoke she leant back and her hands covered her eyes, she was ecstatic.
"Romantic," I said, solemnly. "How was it...?" I asked, alluding to the kiss.
"The best kiss of my life," she replied, and we did a quiet scream together.
"Are you guys together now?" I asked, wanting to know the answer.
"Yeah," she said, smiling, "we are!"

The next week, Sam and Kristie spent everyday with each other, except when Sam was at training. Kristie spent a lot of time at Sam's apartment and, a couple nights, she didn't stay the night at mine. They decided to keep their budding romance off the internet, similar to me and Jill. It is sometimes necessary to grow the relationship before it should be online. When Kristie returned to the USA, Sam dropped her at the airport. I tagged along, so I could say goodbye, and I gave Kristie a giant hug when she got out of the car. Sam and her shared a passionate kiss, with Sam's hand on Kristie's cheek. A small tear trickled down Kristie's face. Sam wiped it away and kissed Kristie one last time before she hopped out of the car. I got into the passenger seat, and as Kristie entered Heathrow, Sam and I drove off.
"You will see her soon," I said, promising something I am not sure I could keep.
"Yeah, I know. Everyone is saying that she is going to make the Olympic squad," Sam said, excited, "wouldn't that be epic?"
"For sure!"

When Kristie arrived back in the USA, she went straight to the USWNT camp. She had a couple of international games coming up. She posted on her instagram, and surprisingly Sam commented. They had never commented on pictures of each other before. Sam wrote:

Samanthakerr20: Your hairs yellow

Although Kristie didn't reply, it was the start of a series of flirty comments that made people suspect they were an item. And a couple of weeks later, Kristie commented on one of Sam's Chelsea pictures. She wrote:

kmewis19: Uhauling

Now, from what I knew, they are both confident and sure of themselves, that this only cemented their relationship further. They were dubbed the budding romance of 2021 and that they were!

- thought I'd release two chapters tonight. Hope you enjoy :)

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