Chapter 26 - Surprise Visitor

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At the end of September, there were a lot of reports from players within the NWSL surrounding abuse they experienced while playing under one of the coaches. I was mortified to learn the stories that I had never even heard of prior to the articles being released.

"I just never knew something like that happened," I said to Kristie on facetime the night that the reports were released.
"I had my suspicions," she replied.
"Did Sam know?" I asked her, referring to her sister, Sam Mewis. Sam played on the team that the abuser had coached.
"No, none of them did."

Over the next week, the NWSL went into a frenzy. People resigned, games were postponed and the players were angry. I was angry. I felt so horrified that even in the 21st century, women are still being treated like things and not people. Things with no emotions or feelings.

"I'm just angry," I said to Jill as we sat on the couch eating dinner.
"I understand. I can't imagine what these girls are going through." As Jill finished speaking, my phone started to ring. I picked it up and it was Kristie.
"Hey," I said into the phone.
"Hi," she said. It sounded like I was on speakerphone and she was frantically doing something.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, perfect. I'm coming to London."
"Actually?" I asked.
"Yeah, for the weekend. Our game got postponed and we have no training, so why not?"
"Amazing. When will you arrive?" I asked her.
"Tomorrow morning, Sam's getting me from the airport."
"That's good. Am I going to be able to see you?" I asked her.
"Yeah of course. I know you have an away game, who are you against?"
"Damn it, okay, I was hoping for a London team. I was going to watch. But, do you and Jill want to come to Sam's tomorrow night before you travel to Birmingham the next day?" I was annoyed that we were in Birmingham too, it would have been amazing to have Kristie come watch my game and then I could've gone with her to watch Sam's. It wasn't as if I would even be able to play, because of my injury, but it was still important I went to support the girls.
"Yes Jill and I will see you then," I replied.
"Ok, I've got to go otherwise I'll miss my flight."
"Okay, love you."
"Love you."

"What's happened?" Jill asked me, intrigued.
"Kris is coming over," I replied.
"To London?"
"To London."
"You know what's weird?" Jill said to me
"What?" I answered.
"I have never met Kristie," she replied, "which is funny seeing as we have been together for ages."
"What?" I exclaimed, "you guys have never met?"
"Well not properly. We versed the US last year and in the Olympics but it wasn't as if we had a conversation."
"Well, first time for everything," I said to her, putting my arms around her and kissing her lips.

As we went to bed, I was so excited to see Kristie the next day. It's hard not to miss her. Being away from your best friend is never easy. I was also super keen for Jill and Kristie to meet properly. I would have the three most important people in my life (Sam, Kristie and Jill) all together, and all friends. What could be better?

I woke up the next day with a message from sam.

Sam: the princess has landed

Both Sam and I have been calling Kristie the princess for a while now, a nickname that has just stuck.

Indi: amazing. See you guys tonight :)

"She has landed," I said to Jill, rolling over and hugging her, nuzzling my head into her neck. She kissed my forehead, and placed her hand on my leg, caressing my knee. I looked at her, to find her smiling a cheeky grin. She leant down and put her lips on mine, igniting the spark that never truly dies out. She placed her hand on my cheek, deepening our kiss. I love mornings with Jill, I always feel the butterflies that flutter in my stomach, easing the pit that I am never quite rid of. The pit that never has truly disappeared from when I was 15.

After training, Jill and I headed over to Sam's apartment. As we knocked on the door, Kristie opened it and ran out to give me a hug. I wrapped my arms around her, burrowing my head into her shoulder.
"Now, is this Jill?" Kristie said to me, as Jill stood behind us as we hugged.
"Yes, Jill, Kris. Kris, Jill." I introduced them and unsurprisingly, they weren't awkward. Neither of them are awkward people, unlike me, so they were able to hug and talk without any weird silences.
"Hey Sam Sam," I said, walking into her apartment.
"Hey, Winds," she called out to me.
"I still don't understand the Windy name," Kristie asked me as we sat on the couch.
"Neither," Jill added, laughing.
"I'm not entirely sure either. It was created in Rio I think by Sam and Foordie and, I think, Rassler."
"But you aren't windy? You're Indi," Jill added in confusion. Being Dutch, she doesn't understand the name even more so than Kristie.
"Us Australians create a nickname out of anything," Sam answered, calling out from the kitchen. "I used to call Indi "Hazza" until she told me that is what her Dad is called. And then I thought better not."
"Why Hazza?" Jill asked, again confused.
"Harrison just turned into hazza. Again, I'm not sure why."

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