Chapter 46 - Home

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I checked my phone later that night, to see another article explaining exactly why I was missing the Germany clash.

India Harrison in Australia after the passing of her Father and renowned AFL player, John Harrison
India Harrison, Matilda's star defender, withdrew suddenly from their match against Germany late last week after a family emergency. It has now been confirmed, by Harrison's instagram, that she is back in Sydney to mourn the passing of her father, John Harrison. John Harrison was a famous AFL player, playing for Hawthorn for nearly 14 years, and winning multiple premierships, before settling down in Sydney with his wife, Liz, and two children, India and Luke. The Harrison's are the renowned sporting family of Australia with John, Liz and India all playing elite level sport. Liz was an elite netball player, representing Australia at the highest level and India is a current member of the Australian Women's soccer team. India, who debuted for the Matilda's when she was 15, has gone on to play more than 60 caps for the national team and currently plays for Arsenal in the Women's Super League. She was also named rookie of the year in her debut season for the Houston Dash additionally helping them secure a 2020 Challenge Cup victory in the NWSL. Also out of the Harrison household, is up and coming rookie for the GWS Giants, Luke Harrison, who is set to debut for the club next season. He has yet to release a statement.
India, however, stated that her father was "the most selfless, kind, loving and compassionate human." India, who has been open with her struggles with mental health, often regards her father as being her "saving grace" through her difficult times. We send our condolences out to India and her family during this tough time.

The Matilda's game, in Germany, happened to be on at a reasonable time for me to watch in Sydney. So I turned the tv on with Luke on my left and Mum on my right. I saw that they were all wearing black armbands, and before the game started the commentator spoke.
"The Matilda's are wearing black armbands tonight for their missing defender India Harrison, after her father sadly passed away last week. India is currently in Sydney, Australia, mourning the loss with her family. We are sending our condolences to India and the Harrison household."

The girls played very well, they smothered Germany's offence, not letting them take any shots at goal. When Sam scored her first in the 21st minute, she pointed to the sky, and I knew she did that for Dad. Sam went on to score a hat trick that game, and we won 3-0. After the match, Sam did a post game interview, receiving player of the match.
"So Sam, amazing match for you and the girls, how did it feel?"
"Yeah, well, we really wanted to go out there and put on our best performance and I feel like we did that."
"You most certainly did, who did you play for tonight, because I know the Matilda's camp has had a rough week, obviously with the passing of India's father."
"Yeah, obviously Indi isn't here at the moment, and we miss her terribly, and everything we did tonight was for her and for her Dad."
"Anything you'd like to say to Indi, if she is watching."
"Yeah, just Indi, this is all for you. Everything I do, and the girls do, it is all for you. We love you, and support you through everything. I wish I was with you right now. Thinking about you."
"Very sweet Sam, thank you for your time, and congratulations on being the player of the match."
"Thank you," Sam replied as she walked off.

Just before I was about to turn off and go to sleep to prepare for the funeral the next day, I saw a picture Sam posted on instagram. It was her pointing at the sky using the arm with the black armband. She wrote:

All for you @indiharrison

I replied with a love heart before turning off my light, and trying to sleep.

The next morning, we had the funeral. All our family and friends turned up. A lot of Dad's ex teammates from Hawthorn made their way from Melbourne to be here. It was amazing to see how many people came to mourn him with us. To see how many lives Dad impacted.

As the service commenced, I was set to say the long eulogy. Trying to put into words how much Dad had impacted me and changed me. Mum wanted to do it, but she couldn't bring herself to.

"Hello everyone. Thank you all for being here today to celebrate my Dad's life. John, or as most of you know him as Hazza, was the most amazing person you would have ever met. His heart of gold was contagious, and his sweet smile and cheeky grin was something extraordinary.

"When my Mum gave my Dad a girl, he was adamant that I would be sporty. He put me in nearly every sport he could think of and made me try absolutely everything. Luckily for him, he was given the most energetic daughter one could have. I was always daddy's little girl. He took me to all my netball games, all my soccer games, he coached my teams, and umpired my matches. He was the epitome of a netball dad and later on, a soccer parent.

"He was the most selfless person I knew. After games he would go through every single tiny detail of the match with me, just because he knew I wanted to. He would watch every bit of the game, never turning his eyes away from the field or court. When I had my major injury, he was there beside me throughout it all. He would take me to physio appointments, and help me tie my hair or write my essays. His selflessness and complete and utter adoration for me and Luke, separates him from any other Dad.

"When I got my opportunity at Houston, he was the first to tell me to spread my wings and fly. He pushed me to chase my goals and dreams, never wanting to hold me back. He knew of my fears, but he told me to strive for the stars. He said to me, before I left to Houston, that "courage, my girl, is your greatest gift." That has forever stuck with me. His words have forever been imprinted on me.

"I know he found pride in me wearing the number 13 Harrison whether it was for the Matilda's, Houston or Arsenal, because he wore number 13 too. Many people say 13 is an unlucky number, I disagree. 13 is my lucky number, because it was my Dad's. I wear 13 for him, and only for him. He wanted to leave behind a legacy, a legacy of courage and determination in the face of adversity. His struggles with injury and mental health showed me that I could come through. I could push through. That there is always light at the end of a seemingly dark tunnel. I wear 13 for that reason. I wear it as a reminder of his bravery and courage.

"Dad, I will continue to live everyday like it is my last for you. My promise to you is that I will never stop chasing my goals or my dreams. You will be the reason for all I do. I promise to advocate for what I believe in because you encouraged me to be a leader.

"Luke, I know Dad is incredibly proud of you. You have grown into the most amazing, strong, intelligent and freakishly tall man. If you inherited one of his traits, it would definitely be the heart of gold. Your kindness, and ability to love and support me through everything, is something Dad would have done. You're just like him, an amazing, amazing man. I love you, Lukey and he does too.

"And Mum, you are the strongest person I know. When I was little, you were the one who kept Dad and I grounded. You kept our feet on the floor when we were soaring too close to the sun. You and Dad had the relationship I always dreamed of - the constant support, laughter, and love. You both are my idols, and I'll forever look up to you because of your strength. I love you Mum, more than you will ever know.

"I'd just like to finish by saying a huge thank you to all of you for coming today. I know my dad loved every single person here, and he would appreciate knowing how many people cared for him and his family."

Before the last part, I started to look up to the sky as if I was talking to him personally.

"Lastly, dad, thank you and I'll miss you. Please watch over me because I need you. Soar high and rest easy. I love you, from your little girl. 13 forever."

By the end of the eulogy, tears started to form in my eyes. I could see Luke trying to hold himself together and Mum similarly. I left the altar and hugged both of them.
"He loves you, I love you," I whispered to both of them.

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