Chapter 53 - Big Wins

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The Barcelona-Chelsea game was thrilling to watch. We left Wolfsburg after our match and flew back to London, and Kristie and I went to the game to support Sam and the team. Although we are the 'rivals', we are also the best friend and girlfriend of a player, and we wanted to show our support to Sam.

"Should I wear a Kerr jersey?" Kristie asked as she was going through her and Sam's wardrobe. I was sitting on the bed, on my phone, already ready to leave for the game. Sam was already at the field with the rest of the Chelsea team.
"Aw, that would be so cute," I said to her.
"Ok, which one?" She said, showing me two identical Chelsea Kerr jerseys.
"Kris, they look the exact same."
"No they don't. This one is older than this one." I shrugged, not being able to see the difference myself.
"You are no help!" Kristie then said, choosing one of the jerseys and putting it on.
"Kerr suits you!" I said to her, laughing. She laughed back, and we got into the car and went to Kingsmeadow.

When we arrived at the ground, we waved to Sam who was warming up. She spotted Kristie in the Chelsea jersey and a smile was created on her face.

The game was stressful, but exciting. Barcelona came out firing, scoring first. I was starting to get nervous for Sam. Barca were looking strong, and were holding most of the possession.

But, as Chelsea got a fast break, Sam and Fran utilised it. Sam ran with the ball to the top of the 18 yard box, and quickly passed it out to Fran on the wing. Fran cut it back into Sam, and she tapped it in to tie the game. Fran and Sam was ecstatic, jumping on each other, with Fran hugging her arms around Sam. The rest of the Chelsea girls came over, and they all were so relieved to be drawn at half time. 

"The second half is going to be interesting," I said to Kristie as we were waiting for the second half to begin.
"Yeah, it definitely will be." As she said this, I saw a flash go off a couple rows in front of us.
"Someone is taking a picture," I whispered to Kristie, smiling. We always think it's cute when people take photos. We never get annoyed.
"I'm not looking my best," Kristie said, laughing.
"The Kerr jersey makes you look 10x better though!"I said sarcastically.

As the teams came out in the second half, we were bracing ourselves for a close game. And it was. There were a couple missed opportunities by both Chelsea and Barcelona, and by the 80th minute it was still even.

"I'm getting nervous," I said to Kristie.
"Me too."
"Penalties? Do you think?"
"I hope not."

Thankfully, our dreams were complete. In the 86th minute, only a couple minutes before the end of the game and possible extra time, Chelsea got a goal. A
corner kick from Guro ended up on top of Sam's head in the 6 yard box, and bounced to the floor, to be kicked in by Fran who was waiting for the drop. Fran kicked it in. Fran got the goal.

All around Kingsmeadow the crowds were chanting.


The atmosphere was electric and Kristie and I were on our seats, chanting and screaming.

Only 2 minutes of extra time were called, and Chelsea were through. It was to be Arsenal vs Chelsea in the final of the Champions League. Kristie verse Sam. Sam verse me.

Kristie and I went over to Sam after the game.
"Jump over," Sam said, gesturing for us to jump over the barrier and get onto the field.
"Help me down," Kristie said, as she sat on the edge of the barrier. Sam grabbed her and helped her down, before giving her a hug and kiss. I jumped over, not needing the extra help, and joined them on the field. I let Sam and Kristie talk, and went over to Millie and Fran, who were celebrating their win.

"Amazing job guys!" I said, hugging Millie. Millie and I were quite good friends, especially as Rachel and I were so close for so long. I hadn't talked to Rachel in a while. Not after New Years. I didn't want to. I knew that if I wanted to make things right with Jill, I shouldn't.
"Now, all we gotta do is verse you now," Millie said, amusingly.
"Good luck with that! Fran, you were epic!" I said, going over to her and hugging her.
"Thanks," she replied, shyly. Sam and Kristie then came over, and Sam gave me a hug.
"Were you the one to convince Kris to wear a Kerr jersey?" She asked, smiling.
"Nope! She decided that all on her own!"
"It suits, don't you reckon?" Sam asked me.
"The blue doesn't," I said, referencing the fact that it's a Chelsea jersey not an Arsenal one!
"The Kerr does though!" Sam said, cheekily. Kristie blushed at this, and grabbed Sam's hand.

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