Chapter 4 - Advice

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Kristie Facetimed me a couple days after the Manchester game.

"So, how are you Inds?" she asked. 

"Not bad. The girls are so welcoming and outgoing. Hardly ever see Cait. How are you? Is it awkward with Rachel?" 

"Not really. I think we have both got over it, in a way and are both moving on."

"Really? I'm glad."

"I think she may be starting a thing with that girl Millie Turner, she plays for Manchester United." I was shocked, as they live in different countries and it is so quickly after the breakup.

"Why do you think that?" I asked. 

"Well there are flirty comments on Instagram, and I just know, you know?" She looked sad, but not as sad as I would expect. I think she has moved on, well and truly. 

"Well, if it is any consolation, I beat Mille Turner and her team the other day. 2-0." Kristie cheered and so did I. We called for around an hour until she had to go to training.

Jill texted me.

Jill: Wanna meet?

It's our day off and I was planning on doing nothing, but only because no one else was doing anything. I really want to see people and socialize.

Indi: Of course. Any ideas?

Jill: Ice cream?

Indi: Yum. 15 mins?

She sent me her address and I went to pick her up in my car.
"Jilly!" I said, as she hopped into the car. 

"Hello dear Indi," she replied, her Dutch tang peeking through her voice. Jill, Daan and Viv all are Dutch, and have the cutest mixture of Dutch and English accents, due to their time in England. 

"Now, India," She started to say, "I wanted to get ice cream because I love it and I know you have a car." I laughed and nodded my head. "Also," she continued, "all the girls are hanging out together but separately." She crossed her arms, looking salty.

"What do you mean?" I replied. 

"Well, you know all the girls are basically together." 


"Yes - Daan and Beth, Viv and Lisa, Jordan and Leah, Lia and Caitlin."

"Oh my god, I never thought about that." I was bemused. I knew couples were common, but four in one team is unlikely. She connected her phone to the Bluetooth and started playing some music. We sang our hearts out, not caring whether the sound transcended the car or not.
She showed me her favourite ice cream spot and we sat and talked for hours in a little park, looking over the Thames. She told me about her family, how she got into football, her international career and more. And similarly, i told her about my origins. I felt like I was able to find out who she truly was. Her deep eyes captivated me, making my stomach twirl. 

"Jilly, truth or... actually just truth." I asked her, after we had covered everything we could possibly think of covering but both knowing we didn't want to leave. 

"Truth," she replied, knowing she had no other option. 

"Who is your best friend?" I asked, solemnly. 

"Probably Viv. I mean, I have known her for so long, and she has been with me through so much." 

"Good answer." 

"What about you. Who is your best friend?"

"Um, I have a couple. Over the last couple of years, Kristie Mewis has been my closest person, but Sammi Kerr is a close second I think." 

"Good choices," she replied. 

After an undocumented amount of time, we both got up and went back to the car. I dropped her off and her place and we parted ways. 

"Bye Indi." She said, hugging me across from the passenger seat. She grabbed my hand, squeezing it, ever so slightly, and got out of the car. 

I sat there, a tiny bit flustered. Was that something?

I arrived home and called Sammi, as I knew Kristie was at training in Houston still. 

"Samantha Kerr, I need advice." 

"Aw, my baby Indi needs advice?" She replied, with a hint of happiness in her voice. 

"Yes!" I replied and I told her about my afternoon with Jill, although not mentioning who it was. 

"Hm," she said, after I had finished speaking, "that could be something. You're gonna tell me who it is?" 

"No, not yet."

"Hm okay. I won't push. I want to flirt with someone at the moment." Sam said, longingly, "I miss the conversations." I understood where she was coming from. It must've been hard going from talking to someone about everything everyday, to never talking to them again. Both Sam and Nikki made their break up official when they unfollowed each other on Instagram. The fans went crazy, stalking both their profiles for any hint of indifference. 

"Well, I do have an idea." I said, thinking about someone who she could start talking to.
"Not something too crazy I hope!" 

"Of course not!" I retorted. "You know my friend Kristie?" Sam nodded, "and how she broke up with Rachel Daly a month or so ago," Sam nodded again, "maybe you two could chat?" Sam's face perked up slightly and, although she didn't show it, a slight grin printed across her face. 

"But I hardly know her, that would be weird." 

"No it wouldn't. People talk as friends all the time. I'll talk to her too, cause I know she has been feeling lonely too, without me." 

Sam and I wrapped up our conversation and I headed to sleep, still dreaming about the hand squeeze Jill gave me in the car.

- Let me know how regularly you want me to release chapters cause I can
- also let me know your thoughts (whether you like or not)
- im setting up the foundation of Sam and kristie (Indi plays a large part of getting them together )

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