Chapter 27 - We Play Strong

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As I slowly recovered from my injury, I was spending more time with Lisa outside of training. As she was on loan to West Ham, we both made a conscious effort to see each other. We went for a walk, one afternoom, to help my knee, while the girls were at a training I wasn't needed for, and as she had the afternoon off from her own training. Despite being at West Ham for the season, she was still doing her weekly vlogs. 

As we were walking down one of the roads in North London, she got her vlog camera out and started to record.
"So Indi and I are just going on a little recovery walk," she said, as we walked down the street.
"Indi had a little accident last week," she continued to say, "wanna tell them what happened?"  I chuckled slight.
"Sure," I replied, "Basically the Matildas were playing Ireland and I tripped and landed right on my knee socket, hard and it popped out of place. So painful, and now gotta wait six weeks for it to fully recover. Although, I am going to try and get out there sooner."
"I was watching the game," Lisa said, "and it wasn't pretty to see the knee where it wasn't supposed to be." I laughed and she continued, "so we are just going to go on a little walk, maybe get a coffee and chill." She put the camera away, and we started chatting about all sorts of things.
"So, what are your Christmas plans?" She asked me.
"I don't know," I replied, "I can't go back home because it is still a fortress in Australia, so I probably will talk to Jilly about it." She nodded her head and I reciprocated the question.
"Well, it depends. I may go to Holland, or Viv and I may go to Scotland. It is all up in the air at the moment." I nodded my head and we kept walking.

As I arrived home later that evening, I walked in on Jill making dinner and singing loudly with her airpods in. I came up behind her and hugged her, making her jump slightly.
"You scared me!" She said, turning around and hugging me back. She kissed the top of my head as I nuzzled myself closer towards her warm body. When I let go, I went and sat at the kitchen bench, watching her finish cooking.
"Want some?" She asked me.
"Yes please!" I said, as she dished me up a bowl of spaghetti. She sat down next to me, admiring the meal she created.
"It looks good," I said to her, as I started to twirl myself a fork filled with spaghetti. As we ate, I thought about what I would be doing for Christmas. Christmas was only a month and a bit away. The last couple of weeks have been going so quickly as I have been injured.
"Jilly," I said, "What are your Christmas plans?" I asked her, looking down at my food.
"I thought we would go to Holland, and spend it there, cause I know we can't get into Australia at the moment. But next Christmas we can." A lot about how she replied made me happy. The fact she thought about our Christmas plans before me made me happy, the fact she wanted me to spend Christmas with her family made me happy, and the fact she wanted to go to Australia and meet mine.
"Sounds like a great plan," I said, beaming hard.

Later that week, Lisa's new vlog for We Play Strong was released. My walk segment was included, as well as her win from her game on the weekend. Surprisingly, a lot of the comments on instagram liked my appearance.

jindixkrindi: Can Indi be in more vlogs?

preathisreal44: Indi's appearance made my day

wosostan38: Indi should make regular appearances

bronzeandwalsh: Could Indi create her own vlog series?

I was flattered by the viewers' warmth towards me and I loved that they liked having me in the series. I also loved being in the series, it is so fun watching back on the vlogs Lisa filmed last year.

I got a call from Lisa the next morning.
"They love you! Almost as much as Viv!" She said.
"It's so sweet," I replied back.
"Would you wanna do your own vlogs? You don't have to but it would be good for the brand and it's so much fun. Beth does them, I do them, and some of my friends in Germany." She said this so convinced that I genuinely thought about it, being a vlogger for We Play Strong.
"I don't know," I started to say, "what if I am awful at it?" I asked her.
"You won't be. So will you do it?" I thought about it for a second, and remembered all the fun times I had being in them.
"Yeah, I will," I said back to her, through the phone.
"Amazing!" She said, her Scottish accent peeking through, "you're gonna be a hit! I'll get you a camera and bring it to your place later!"
We hung up the phone, and I went over to Jill on the couch.
"Guess who is gonna be a new vlogger?"

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