Chapter 21 - New Season

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The first game of the season was against Chelsea, which we knew was going to be a tough game. Chelsea won the cup last season, and made the final of the Champions League. Their team is packed with talent - Sam, Magda, Pernille, Erin, Fran, Millie and more. So, the London Derby was going to be a challenge. Although we were playing at Home, at the Emirates, many people counted us off, including us. 

Only a couple days earlier, we had a Champions League qualifier game against Slavia Prague. We won, thankfully. It meant that we were one step closer to the pool stages of the Champions League, something that all players aspire to play in and win. If you win the Champions League, you are automatically the best team in Europe. The final score was 3-0 to us - with Viv, Kim and our new recruit, Nikita Parris, each scoring.

A couple weeks ago, Jordan got injured. My heart broke for her. Jordan is the type of person who someone can always count on. If you need her, she will always be there for you. Missing out on the Olympics, for her, was devastating. And to make matters worse, Leah got an invite. It was a hard time for Leah, we could all tell. She wanted to be excited to play in the Olympics, but she didn't want to be too excited, for Jordan's sake.
Just before the games, Leah and I chatted in the dining hall.
"I just," she started to say, "she is the most underrated player in the league, and I don't understand how coaches don't see that?" I nodded my head in agreement, Jordan is the most underrated player. She is a workhorse and my heart could only break for her.

Our game against Chelsea, however, was what we were all eyeing. Playing Chelsea in the first match of the season was a tough blow. If you win, obviously you go into the rest of the season with confidence, but if you don't, you're stuck in the middle of the ladder until you meet again, then you have to redeem yourself.

There was some talk that Jill would move to a different club this season, and though she was offered a contract, I think her ties in England, mostly me, made her realise she wouldn't be happier anywhere else. Honestly, I told her that she should follow her dreams and not be tied down with me, but she knew what she wanted, and I couldn't stop her, although I felt like I should've.
"Jill, if you want to go, go. I am not going to stop you," I started to say, when we were sitting on the couch, a couple days before the team signings had to be firmly established. I was sitting cross legged looking at her, trying to make her talk to me.
"I truly don't want to go anywhere without you," she retorted, turning to face me.
"But, I don't want to tie you down," I replied back to her. She grabbed my hand and scooted closer towards me, cupping my cheek with her other hand.
"I don't want to go anywhere. Not now, not ever." She said this so confidently, that the pit in my stomach disappeared, and she leant over to kiss me. Our kisses have become my comfort and my fire. They make butterflies flutter in my stomach, and hands shake with excitement. But, I didn't feel completely at ease. Somehow, I still felt as if she had more to give, somewhere else.
I also knew I needed to talk to her, tell her about my history. About my past. But I never knew how to. I didn't know how to talk to her, about everything I went through when I'm not even sure what I endured.

We got to the Emirates quite early in the morning as it was a mid day game. When Jill and I walked into the changing room, it felt great being back at the club, not having to worry about olympic or international glory. Seeing all our jerseys hung up, each at our individual cubby, felt settling, as if I was back where I belonged. Obviously I love the Matildas, but playing is a lot more stressful. Arsenal felt like home.

Jill and I go towards our cubbies, and put our gear bags under the seats. I obviously wear number 13, and she wears 14 so we normally have our lockers beside each other. Many people think 13 to be an unlucky number, but Dad created a paradox. Dad believed that it was lucky that he got the unlucky number, thus making it lucky, not unlucky. People think that it is silly, but I thought it was genius. He is always able to turn a negative thing into a positive one. That's why I admire him so much.
I'm one of the only people to wear long sleeves. My excuse here is that it is winter, and my arms go numb, but that's not true. My body is tough against the cold, and the hot. I just keep that sector of my life private from my team mates and the world.
"It's going to be hot today," Jill said to me as we sat next to our cubbies.
"When is it ever hot in England," I said, joking.
"You might get warm," she said, changing into her jersey.
"I'll be fine," I said, kissing her cheek and going to the other room to change. I never get changed in front of the other girls. I hardly get changed in front of Jill, and only ever do so when it's dark. I don't think she understands why. Sometimes I admire her nativity and wish I had it.

As Caitlin and Jordan are both injured, the starting line up was as expected. Zinsberger in goals, Leah, Jen, Anna and myself in defence, Katie, Lia, Kim and Jill in Midfield, and Viv and Beth at the front. I felt like it was a winning team, a winning combination. Although I had my nerves.

Obviously I hate playing Sam. She is my best friend and it's a tough gig playing her. She is fast, agile and the best striker in the world. But, although she hates to admit it, I know she finds it hard against me. We have this understanding that has grown over time. I always know what she is going to do, before she even knows it. So, before the game, our manager told me my job was to shut her down, as he knows how dangerous she can be.

However, unexpectedly, Sammi didn't even start the match. She had only been back from her vacation with Kristie for a little while, and, although she was ready and fit to play, Emma, the Chelsea manager, thought otherwise. In my opinion, that was their downfall. Emma didn't start Fran or Sam, her two best players, which enabled us to win the derby.

Within the first 15 minutes of the match, Viv had already scored an absolute blinder! We had a fast break from the defence, and Viv was waiting to receive the big ball and dribble it up to the goal. We were one up.
Although we were tied at half time, 1-1, Beth scored a double in the second half to get us 3-1. And although Chelsea pushed back, and hard, we won the game 3-2. Many people dubbed it the biggest surprise of the season. No one expected Chelsea to lose their first match. After the game we all ran up to each other and had a massive group huddle. I jumped onto Jill and wrapped my legs around her, and Katie jumped on us as well - we nearly fell to the ground.
It was announced a couple months earlier that Daan was going to leave Arsenal to go to OL Feminin. Although it was going to be upsetting not seeing her and playing with her, I felt most bad for Beth. Beth and Daan had been together for a while, and they were adorable together. But I knew and Beth did too, that Daan needed to find her love for the sport again after playing over 140 games for Arsenal.
When we got back to the locker room, the music was blasting very loud. Jill and I danced on the table in the middle of the room, lip syncing to the music. The other girls were recording and singing as well. The hype and excitement in the room was immense.
"Guys, guys!" I shouted loudly over the music, "We are going to win this fucking thing!" All the girls cheered back and we kept dancing until we were exhausted.

When I got home with Jill, all the photos from the game came flooding in. The most iconic photo of the match was after Beth had scored and you could see the cheers from the stand. It felt so special having the fans back in the stadiums.
There was an epic photo of Jill and I after the game, when I jumped on her, and you could see Katie running up behind us.

indiharrison: Thank you fans, you were missed

No one realises how important fans are when you are playing a sport, they bring so much energy and excitement. We all missed them.

SHOCKING DEFEAT: Chelsea go down to Arsenal in the opening round of the Women's Super League
After securing the Women's Super League title last season, Chelsea were the obvious favourites going into the London Derby against Arsenal. However, Arsenal had something to prove. Star player, Vivianne Miedema, opened the scoring within the first 15 minutes, giving Arsenal the lead. Although Erin Cuthbert did level the scores before half time, a Beth Mead double in the second half left Chelsea pulling at straws. Chelsea brought in stars Fran Kirby and Sam Kerr after half time to try to inject some energy, but this call was too late with Chelsea losing the match 3-2. The Arsenal defence, orchestrated by Australian Star, India Harrison, and English Lioness, Leah Williamson, helped keep the likes of Fran Kirby and Sam Kerr quiet, throughout their second half appearance. Many question why manager, Emma Hayes, started her most prolific players, Kirby and Kerr, on the bench, only giving them a go in the second half. It is fairly well known that players need to ease their ways into games, so why start Kerr-by on the bench? We will never know, but we can only guess!

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