Chapter 48 - Media Day

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My favourite day of the season is media day. It is always so much fun getting all dolled up with makeup and hair but still being able to wear football clothes. We get our photos taken all day and I love wearing my Arsenal jersey with pride.

"Ok, time for the videos," the media coordinator said as we were all huddled together on the floor after our photos had been taken, "we are doing the best friends quiz, and we want three pairs."
"Jords and I will do it," Leah said.
"Viv, do it with me, please!" Mana said to her.
"Ok," Viv replied, reluctantly.
"Kris and I will too," I chimed in.
"Perfect!" The media coordinator said, "Kristie and India, want to start?"

Kristie and I went over to where we are going to film.
"I'm going to win this," I said, jokingly.
"You probably are. Did you see the video I did for the national team with Sam? I was so bad. And she is my sister!"
"Yeah, you weren't good. I have no faith in you."
"I wouldn't have any faith in me." We both laughed and sat down in front of the camera.

As the camera started to roll, we did the intro.
"Hi I'm Kristie Mewis."
"And I'm Indi Harrison, and this is the best friends quiz."
Kristie started with the cards, and read the first question.
"What is my birthday?"
"Seriously? So easy," I said, writing the answer on the white board provided as she did the same.

I wrote:

Kristie wrote:

"I still find it weird that you write the day first," Kristie said, as we rubbed off the whiteboard clean.
"Why? It goes from smallest to biggest."
"But you say month first, like february 25th, not 25 february."
"No, you say the 25th of February."
"Just sounds more confusing. Ok, next question, what is something that I always have on me?"
"Hm," I started to say, "Are we going basic, like phones, or more personalised to you."
"Just go with the thing I always have. I won't leave the house without it."
As she wrote on her whiteboard, I was racking my brain.
"I got it," I said, as the thought came to my head.

I wrote:
Lip balm

Kristie wrote:

"They're the same thing," I said to her, "we just call it lip balm in australia."
"Two from two, impressive. Ok, next," Kristie said, getting the new card, "against whom did I score my debut goal for the national team?"

We both wrote:
South Korea

"You had to backtrack to hit the ball because you were too far in front of it," I said, laughing.
"Yeah I did, anyways, next. How tall am I?"
"I only know centimeters," I said, writing it down.

I wrote:

Kristie wrote:

"Is that the same thing?" I asked the producer behind the camera.
"How do you not know feet?" Krisite said.
"How do you not know centimeters?" After the producer confirmed they were the same thing, Kristie moved onto the next question.
"Ok, last question, what is my coffee order?"
"These questions are too easy!" I said, writing down the order.

We both wrote:
Medium, Iced, dark roast, with almond milk

"Five from five," I said, smugly, "try to beat that."
"I'm telling you, I won't. You were crazy good."

Once I got the question cards, I was excited to see how she would do.
"Ok, first question, when is my birthday?"

I wrote:

Kristie wrote:

"This only highlights our age gap," she said, laughing.
"Na, only highlights my youth," I said, sarcastically. "Ok, next question, what is my middle name? Come on, this is an easy one." I could see she was thinking about it.
"It's spelt weird. Do I have to spell it right, or can I just get the name?"
"No, it has to be spelt right," I replied, smiling. I could see her rubbing out certain letters and putting them where she thought they may go.
"I think I've spelt this wrong."

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