Chapter 9 - Roommates

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During the camp, we had another media day for the Matildas. This time, myself and Sammi did a who knows each other best challenge. We sat in front of the camera and opened.
"Hi, I'm India Harrison."
"And I'm Sam Kerr, and this is 'Roommates'."
First question was what is the name of Sam's cat.
"Helen," I said, confidently. Sam nodded. "One point to me."
"Do you know why?" She asked, trying to see if I would falter.
"Because that was her shelter name?" I said. She nodded again, "You can't fault me."
Next question was how many caps I have played for australia.
"Ok, let me work this out," She said, trying to do math in her head, "You debuted five years ago, and have basically played every game," She continued to try and count them, "I'm going to just have to guess," she said, giving up, "48?"
"So close," I said, "49!" She buried her head into her hands and I leant over to give her a side hug. "That's ok, good try."
"I was so close," she continued on.
"To be fair to you, you were really close." I said, "you should know though that the next game is my 50!"
"Yeah I know, I should, cause aren't you a record or something?" She asked, curiously not sarcastically.
"Fastest to 50 I think?"
"Yeah, I think so." Sam replied, "So impressive, and she is only 20!" She continued, looking into the camera.
"Ok, let's move on," I asked.
We had a couple more questions, which we both got correct.
"Last question each," the camera man said, "How many teams has Sam played for?"
"Hm ok, I will list them as well, just to help," I started to say, "you have played for Perth, obviously. Didn't you have a stint at Sydney FC?" I asked, and she nodded. "Ok, so Sydney FC, Perth Glory, New York Flash, Sky Blue, Chicago and Chelsea? I think."
"Wow, good job. All correct," Sam said.
"Woo!" I screamed, "I am so good at this game."
"Ok Sam," the cameraman said, "last question for you, How many clubs has India played for?"
"Easy," she said, confidently, "Sydney FC, Houston and Arsenal." I nodded. Compared to Sam, my club experience was not as lengthy.
"Ok," the cameraman said, "there is a winner, India." I got out of my chair and did a little dance, trying to ever so slightly rub it into Sam.
"Yes yes, fine good job Inds," she said, giving her hand out to me to shake it, which I took.
"Maybe next time?" I said, with a glisten in my eyes.
We did the closing.
"Hi, I'm India Harrison."
"And I'm Sam Kerr, and this was Roommates."

A couple days later, we had our first game against Spain. Although there are no huge names from Spain, they are a very strong team. They pushed us to our limit, but we still got away with the 1-0 win. Our goal came in the 54th minute, as a fast break from the defence had Sam all alone at halfway. I did a sliding tackle against the Spanish 9, and whipped the ball from underneath her. I quickly got off the ground, and sent the ball flying from the wing up to Sam, who then dribbled it one on one to the goal. Although she got to the goal all by herself, I ended up having the assist on my score sheet, which always feels good. The Player of the match was, for some reason, awarded to myself. I had 3 blocks from goals, and an assist. This game was also my 50th so I had a little press interview after.
"So, India, how did it feel playing your 50th game and being awarded player of the match?" The interviewer asked me.
"Obviously so thankful to have been able to reach 50 games for the Matildas and I know that it means so much to me and my family. I just went out there and did my job, and football is a team sport, so as much congratulations goes to them as me."
"Very humble, India. So, you have recently moved to Arsenal for the upcoming season, how does it feel playing in England?" The interviewer continued to ask.
"Well, I loved playing in the NWSL, but England has always been a dream. So thankful that I got the opportunity at Arsenal, and will obviously be trying my best to show my worth."
"Obviously, the partnership between yourself and Sam Kerr is shining bright at the international stage, how does that friendship turn to rivalry when you verse Chelsea?"
I laughed, "well obviously Sam is one of my closest friends so we keep things quite civil off field, but yeah, it is hard but also good when you can sort of predict what each other is doing on field. When she is in blue, and I'm in red, we sort of cancel each other out in a sense, as we have this inner telepathy. It's quite funny." The interviewer laughed, and so did I.
"Well, thank you India Harrison for speaking to us, and congratulations on the player of the match and your 50th cap."
"Thank you!" I replied.

As we got on the bus, and sat down, both Sam and I scrolled instagram. There were quite a few instagram stories congratulating me on my 50th cap, from Kristie who wrote '50 - not too shabby Indi!" and Jill who posted "Thought you would be at 100 by now x." I also received messages from Rachel who congratulated me on 50 and most of the Matildas girls too.

After a couple days, we played Portugal in Lisbon. We flew over, only for a night, as then we would be returning to our respective clubs the next day. Similarly, Portugal was a hard game. We won, thankfully, 2-0, with goals from Sam and Caitlin. A cross from the corner made Sam tap in an easy header and Caitlin whacked the ball from outside the box so it hit the back of the net. Sam got the player of the match, which was very well deserved. I admire Sam, with all my heart. She makes me want to be better and stronger and faster. She really is one of my bestest friends.

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