Chapter 36 - Hat-Trick Hero

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As we arrived at the ground for Chelsea's home match, the starting team was announced. Zinsberger, Leah, Lia and myself would make up the back line. Katie, Jill, Kim and Jordan would be the midfielders, and Beth, Viv and Caitlin would take the position as the forwards. We had a strong team, a winning team. Obviously Chelsea had players such as Harder, Eriksson, Bright, Kirby and, of course, Sam, but I felt confident. The pit in my stomach was leaning in our favour.

We were all sitting in the locker room, listening to music and jamming it out. Usually, this would be Jill's time to shine, but not today. She was keeping to herself, quiet and reserved.
"I'm going to get a refill," Jill said to me, pointing to her water bottle. I nodded my head and she left the room.
"Is she okay?" Viv asked me, as we sat beside each other. I wear 13 and Viv wears 11, and we have no 12 on the team, so our lockers are beside each other's.
"Yeah, I think she is just nervous." Jill came back, and smiled at both of us, which relaxed me, slightly.

But, as we were about to go onto the field, to line up before the match, Jill was sitting with her head in her hands. As the girls were leaving the room to get the game started, I quickly went over to check and see what was wrong. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, along with her legs and feet.
"Jill, please talk to me," I said, lifting her head up from her hands. Her face was splattered with tears.
"I can't do it," she said, crying, "I think I am going crazy." She said this so earnestly, I nearly started to believe it. But then I had a flashback to when I was around sixteen. I was crying uncontrollably in the changing room of a soccer ground in Sydney, unable to walk or talk. I was told later on that it was a panic attack but at the time, I thought I was crazy.
"Jill, you aren't crazy, you're having a panic attack." She looked at me as her hands continued to shake. Kim came rushing in.
"Guys, we are nearly starting! We are lining up!" I looked at Jill again, and realised she couldn't play in this state.
"Put Mana on for Jill. I will be there in a second." Kim rushed out as I was wiping Jill's tears. "When you are ready," I started to say to her, "go out and sit in the stands. Do not play, just enjoy watching the game. I'll speak to Jonas." She nodded and I rushed out of the change room onto the table. I went over to Jonas quickly, telling him that Jill is not feeling well, at all, and that's why I told Kim to put Mana on.
"Finally, we have one of Arsenal's missing players as India Harrison makes her way onto the field," the commentator said over the speaker phone, "we also have another update on the 11th player. Jill Roord has been ruled out of the game with an unknown injury and so Mana Iwabuchi will be taking her place in the starting eleven." All the girls looked at me, as we were standing on the field, with confused looks on their faces.

We did a quick huddle before the game.
"Ok, so we have no Jill now so certain set pieces will change," Kim started to say in our huddle.
"Is she okay?" Katie said, quickly.
"Yes, I'll explain after," I replied.
We then set up for the game and started to play. I could see Sam give me a look to ask if Jill is alright. She gave a thumbs up and then worried expression. I replied with a slight nod but a grimace on my face so she would know that there was something wrong. But, as soon as that whistle blew, the silent talking would soon stop.

The first half saw one goal conceded by both teams. Jordan scored an absolute blinder from outside the box in the 12th minute. She hit the ball hard with her left foot and it flew into the top right hand corner, giving the goalkeeper no chance. After the goal, I saw Jill come from the changing room and sit in the stands. Jonas was talking to her, and he gave her a hug, obviously concerned about what she just endured. Although, I couldn't focus on their conversation any longer, as I had a game to win. Just before halftime, we conceded a goal. A ball was passed over the top of the defence, and it ended up being a foot race between me and Sam. We both reached the ball at the same time, but Sam was able to hit the ball to Kirby who was leading down the middle of the pitch, undefended. It was an easy tap in for her. I looked around, trying to see who was meant to be protecting and covering Kirby, but it was only because of a lack of communication.

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