chapter three

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"Wake up sweetheart. I know you're sleepy but you have school." Vinnie said, shaking her gently.

"I'm up daddy." Bear yawned, hugging her dads neck.

"Go brush your teeth." Vinnie kissed her forehead and sent her off to her bathroom.

Vinnie stood up from the bed and walked to the crib which was next to Aaliyah's side. She insisted on taking care of him so Vinnie could get some sleep.

"Thank you for letting me stay here last night." Aaliyah smiled softly as she put on her heels.

"Of course, it was no problem. Thank you for helping me get out of that sticky situation last night." Vinnie smiled back, lifting Kaiser from his crib and laying him gently in his arms.

"Do you need me to do anything before I go?" Aaliyah asked.

"If you wanna let my mom know I'll have Kaiser ready in about 10 minutes that'd be great. She's downstairs." Vinnie answered.

"No problem." Aaliyah smiled and headed for the door "Oh and Vinnie."


"As much as I like you and like hanging out with you and your kids, I want too take things slow with us." Aaliyah said.

"I agree. Rushing never gets you anywhere good. This was just a crisis situation. Hopefully there will be no more." Vinnie nodded and chuckled.

Aaliyah said goodbye and walked down the stairs. Once downstairs she let Maria know about Kaiser and left the house, getting into her Uber to take her home.

"Okay, he's ready mom. He didn't want to eat yet but there is a bottle in the bag that you can heat up when you're home or whatever." Vinnie said, handing her the money he insisted on giving his parents for watching Kaiser.

"Okay, but I don't need that." Maria said, pushing his hand back.

"Mom please. I don't have time for this. I want you and dad to have it for helping me out." Vinnie said, shoving the money in her purse.

"Alright but no more. That's it. Also, I didn't mean to make you upset last night. It wasn't my place to tell you what to do with your life. I always forget that you're no longer the 16 year old who I can control anymore. You do what you think is best, and just to clarify, I'm more than happy to have a grandson from you." Maria spoke.

"It's okay, I know that mom. As much as I want to stay and talk to you, I have to get Bear ready for school." Vinnie smiled, hugging her quickly.

"Bye bye Kai. Daddy loves you." Vinnie said softly, kissing his small cheek.


"If you hurry I'll take you to McDonalds for breakfast on the way to school." Vinnie yelled.

"I'm ready now daddy." Bear yelled back.

Vinnie fixed his tie and grabbed his things before rushing down the stairs to leave. He turned off all the lights and locked the door.

"Alright, buckle up butter cup." Vinnie smiled and backed out of the driveway.

The drive to McDonalds and school consisted of music, loud singing, and plenty of jokes.

"Okay baby, chew this gum so you don't have breakfast breath. But as soon as you get to school spit it out in the trash okay?" Vinnie said.

"Okay." Bear answered as she began chewing and continued playing her game on her tablet.

Soon enough Vinnie had pulled up to the school and was now in the line to let her out of the car.

"Have a good day honey. Grandma Maria will pick you up later." Vinnie said.

Bear rushed into the school, spitting her gum out immediately like her dad said. Just the sight brought joy to him for some reason. Maybe it was because she was so cute or maybe it was because she was so respectful and he saw a bright future in his daughter.

All he knew was that though she looked like her mother and because of it she was gorgeous, Vinnie know she was nothing like Emily and that made him happier.

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