chapter fourteen

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V: Hello?

A: I'm sorry, did I wake you?

V: Yes, but it's okay. Is everything okay?

A: Yeah

But he knew it wasn't. From the little sniffle right after her answer he knew she wasn't okay.

V: Baby what's wrong?

A: I just need to see you right now if that's okay? I'll tell you everything I promise.

V: Do you need me to pick you up?

A: No I'm already out driving around, but thank you for the offer.

V: Of course, I'll be downstairs okay? Please be safe.

A: I will, I'll see you soon V.

With that the call ended and Vinnie stared at the ceiling for a minute. He got up out of the bed and checked on Kaiser. He took the baby monitor downstairs with him. He unlocked the door and turned on a lamp then waited on the couch. A few minutes after he sat down there was a quiet knock on the door.

"Hey." Vinnie said as he opened the door, revealing a very upset looking Aaliyah.

"Hi." She responded.

It broke his heart not hear her usually cheery voice. He stepped aside to let her in. Aaliyah stepped inside, still standing next to his tall body as he closed the door.

"How can I help you feel better?" Vinnie asked.

"Can you just hold me?" Aaliyah asked into his bare chest.

"Of course I can." Vinnie said, picking her up from the ground and moving them to the couch where he layed down with her on top of his chest.

There was a silence throughout the room. He didn't want to speak until she was ready to. He was content with her laying on him and him rubbing her back to calm her. Eventually she spoke up.

"Your skin is really soft." Aaliyah said softly as she rubbed his chest.

"Thank you." Vinnie chuckled, pulling her up closer to him.

"I appreciate you letting me come over. I feel bad for interrupting your night." Aaliyah said.

"Don't feel bad. I have no problem with this. I'll be here anytime you need me." Vinnie spoke softly, the thought to kiss her forehead flashing through his mind but he decided against it.

"Thank you." She sniffled and snuggled into him harder.

"I promised I'd tell you everything." Aaliyah said.

"You don't have too if you don't want to." Vinnie responded.

"I do. If we're gonna be together I feel like this is important to tell you. My ex boyfriend is obsessed with me. He'll show up to my house randomly in the early hours of the morning like he did this morning. He was screaming and pounded on my door. Eventually I had to answer because my landlord was texting me telling me he was getting complaints from neighbors. I answered the door and he started screaming at me even more for it opening the door. He kicked and when I fell my hip slammed into a table. A neighbor witnessed it from her apartment door. They called the cops and they arrested him. Before they left I had them check my car cause I was afraid that he'd put some kind of tracking device on it and he had. They took it with them so I'm okay now. However, my landlord said he needed  me to move out because once Jaden gets out of jail he doesn't want him to put me or anyone else in the apartment complex in danger. Pretty much I have 10 days to move and I have no where to go. I'm not asking anything of you, please don't think that. I just needed to feel your presence and your skin. You calm me down." Aaliyah said, tears in her eyes.

"If you don't have anywhere to go you can stay with me. I don't want you to be alone anywhere with the possibility of him finding you once he's out and I don't want you living in your car or anything like that." Vinnie said.

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude on you guys. I was planning on getting a hotel until I'm able to find a new apartment or house." Aaliyah said.

"Absolutely not. You're staying with me. We'll get your things packed and you'll move in here. I want you to be safe." Vinnie answered.

"Thank you so much Vinnie. I'll find a new place as soon as possible." Aaliyah said softly, kissing his shoulder blade ever so gently.

"Stay with me forever." Vinnie said, looking up at her face.


"Yes. Forever."

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