chapter eighteen

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"But daddy said I could have my tablet." Bear argued with Aaliyah, trying so desperately to deceive her.

"Honey he told me you couldn't. I have to listen to him." Aaliyah replied calmly.

"You aren't even my mom." Bear yelled, attempting to escape the situation.

Her attempts were failed seeing as Reggie grabbed her arm and pulled her over his lap, giving her 3 swats on the butt.

"I understand you're upset but you will not talk to her that way, understand me? I'm telling daddy when he gets home too. Go do your homework right now and behave." Reggie said, pointing to the table with a firm look on his face.

Bear walked to the table calmly with tears gathered up in her eyes. Reggie never spanked her, he only yelled so it made her incredibly upset.


Vinnie walked into a quiet house. Usually Bear would be all over him but this time she was seated at the table with her homework in front of her. Kaiser however let out an excited screech when his dad walked in.

"Hi buddy. Someone missed me huh?" Vinnie said, putting his things down and picking up his happy baby.

"What's wrong with her?" Vinnie asked as he sat down on the couch.

"She was mean to Aaliyah and I spanked her so now she's been behaved for the past two hours." Reggie said.

"What'd she do?" Vinnie asked.

"She got mad because Aaliyah wouldn't let her have the tablet cause you told us she wasn't allowed and she told Aaliyah that "she wasn't even her mom" and then tried to run away." Reggie said, closing the lid to his laptop having finished all of his homework.

"I'm so sorry, I'll talk to her about it." Vinnie said, turning to Aaliyah who simply smiled and said it was okay.

Vinnie stood up and walked into the kitchen after handing Kaiser to Aaliyah. He sat down in front of Bear who looked up at him and then back down.

"I'm very disappointed in you." Vinnie said.

"But da-"

"Hush, it's my turn to talk." Vinnie interrupted her.

Bear rolled her eyes and tucked her head between her arms.

"You can roll them eyes all you want but what you said to Aaliyah wasn't very nice. No, she isn't your mom and she knows that but when daddy isn't home she's in charge of you. I told you this morning you don't get the tablet and now that you've been mean to her you won't get it tomorrow. Don't talk to her like that again.I want you to say sorry but if you don't mean it when you say it then keep your mouth shut." Vinnie said.

"But Uncle Reggie spanked me, isn't he in trouble?" Bear asked.

"No. He's your boss too and not only that, he's your uncle and has permission to spank you if you deserve it." Vinnie said it.

"That's stupid." Bear said.

"I don't know what has gotten into you but you better find a way to fix that attitude or the tablet will get smashed and I won't buy you another one." Vinnie said, standing up and walking away from her to talk to Aaliyah.

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