chapter five

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"Mom can I use your restroom?" Vinnie asked as he walked in, scaring the shit out of his parents and brother.

"Yes, and then you can explain why you aren't at work." Maria answered.

Vinnie walked into the bathroom, looking at his face. Anyone within a 3 mile radiance could tell he'd been crying. He scrubbed his face as hard as he could and downed nearly half the bottle of mouthwash. He wanted her dna gone.

"Why aren't you working?" Maria asked as he sat down next to Reggie.

"I hate my job." Vinnie answered, picking Kaiser up from his cradle.

"The real reason." Nate leaned back, pausing the baseball game he was watching.

"Emily was there and to say the least, I'm a fucking moron." Vinnie sighed, looking down at his son and playing with his small fingers.

"You had sex with her?" Reggie snorted, receiving an intense glare from his older brother.

"Well ? Did you?" Maria deadpanned.

"Yes mom, I had sex with her. I used a condom though." Vinnie answered.

"Vincent. When are you going to learn she's bad for you?" Nate asked.

"That's my queue to leave." Vinnie mumbled as he put Kaiser in his car seat.

Vinnie grabbed his son's belongings, ignoring all the comments from his family all until his dad threw out a comment.

"You're never going to stop being a man whore are you?" Nate said.

"Don't ever call me that again. I've made some mistakes in my past but the only girl I've slept with is Emily. The choices I make in my sex life are my business and when moms when I need advice which is what I came here for. I don't need anyone to shit on me when I wasn't coming here to speak with you anyway. The only thing that matters is that I try to be the best father I can be and right now you all aren't making me feel that way." Vinnie was now crying, being called such a name by his dad rocked him to the core.

"Nate, that was uncalled for. Reggie, keep your mouth shut because your brothers life is none of your business. Vinnie, we love you very much and will support every decision you make no matter how ridiculous they are. We're very proud of the father you have been to your kids and we're extremely happy to have grandchildren even though you're quite young. Go home and you and Kai get some rest. I'll come over later tonight and help you look for a new job." Maria spoke calmly, diffusing the situation immediately.

Vinnie stood in the doorway a minute longer, conflicted if he should even leave. Maybe he should stay.

"I'll call the school and tell them I'll pick up Bear." Vinnie said.

"I'll pick Bear up from school." Nate spoke, his voice at a lower volume.

"Oh. Thanks. Enjoy the game dad. Bye Reg. Bye mom." Vinnie answered, he didn't really know what to say but he didn't want to be an asshole to his family.

He walked out the door before they could even say anything. As soon as the door closed he could hear his mother begin to yell at them about minding their business which made him smile.

A mother's love always outshined everything else.

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