chapter eleven

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"Daddy!" Bear said as he walked into his parents house after work.

"Hello babygirl, how was your day today?" Vinnie asked.

"Good. Miss Aaliyah gave us snacks and juice and we watched a movie because of our good behavior. We had chicken nuggets and French fries for lunch and I had fun with Papa Nate because he let me listen to Baby Shark on the way home and he bought me McDonalds." Bear said, jumping in her dads arms.

Although she'd had a good day her favorite part of everyday was whenever Vinnie came to pick her and Kaiser up from his mom and dad's.

"I'm so happy you had a good day. Was Uncle Reggie nice to you?" Vinnie asked as he listened to her but went to retrieve Kaiser at the same time.

"He didn't talk to me today because he was watching Kaiser in his room for grandma." Bear said, sitting on her spot on the couch and coloring in her book.

"Oh okay. I'm gonna talk to grandma. Start getting your stuff ready to go and go say bye to Uncle Reg and papa." Vinnie said, walking to into the kitchen with Kaiser in his arms.

He found Maria standing at the sink and washing the dishes.

"Hi mama." Vinnie said, kissing her cheek.

"Hey." She answered.

"How was Kaiser?" Vinnie asked.

"He was very good today. Weren't you baby?" Maria said, kissing the babies soft cheeks.

"Also, Kaiser ate because Reggie gave him the bottle and changed him about a minute before you got here, so he's ready for bed. Bear hasn't had anything yet because I haven't made dinner." Maria said.

"Okay. I'll get her Chinese. There's a surprise in your purse. Have a good night." Vinnie said, racing out of the kitchen with the baby as his mother scolded him for giving her something.

Bear said bye to everyone and followed her dad out of the house. She climbed up in her seat as Vinnie buckled Kaiser into his carrier. Vinnie began to walk away all up until the baby started crying.

"What are you crying for? What's wrong honey?" Vinnie asked, mentally cursing at himself for sounding like a literal girl when he spoke. He had too though, he had to be mom and dad.

Kaiser waved his arm in the air, letting him know that he didn't want his daddy to walk away from him.

"Bubba I have to go buckle sissy in. We're gonna be home soon and you can go night night okay? Vinnie said, kissing the small boys forehead.

Kaiser continued to scream even as Vinnie buckled Bear into her seat.

"I'll calm him down daddy." Bear said.

Vinnie smiled, leaning in and kissing her head.

"Thank you baby."

He got into the drivers seat and opened up the Panda Express app. Ordering dinner for all of them, minus Kaiser of course. By the time he was finished Bear had Kaiser all calmed down and asleep in his seat.


Vinnie walked into the house with the food, Kaiser's carrier, and Bear's book bag in his arms. He somehow unlocked the door, letting his daughter into the safety of there home first.

"I'm gonna put him to sleep and then I'll be back down. I have to tell you something when I come back." Vinnie said, carrying the baby up the stairs where he tucked him into his bassinet next to the bed.

He turned the baby monitor on and took the second one down with him to alert him if Kaiser woke up crying.

"What did you have to tell me?" Bear asked.

"Miss Aaliyah is coming over and she's gonna eat dinner with us. I hope that's okay with you." Vinnie said.

"Yeah that's okay." Bear answered and almost as if on queue the doorbell rang.

Vinnie answered it to reveal Aaliyah standing in the doorway. He smiled and greeted her, stepping aside to let her in. She was instantly hugged by Bear.

"Hi honey. How are you?" Aaliyah asked as Vinnie took her purse and hung it on the hooks next to the door.

"I'm good. I'm glad you're eating with us. You can take your shoes off if you'd like. They go right there." Bear said, pointing next to the door where all of the shoes were neatly arranged on a rack.

"Thank you and I'm glad I'm eating with you too." Aaliyah said, placing her shoes next to the door.

Aaliyah turned to see Bear now in the kitchen getting plates and forks and Vinnie leaning against the doorframe.

"It's good to see you again. Thank you for inviting me." Aaliyah spoke, walking into a hug from him.

"No problem. I like being with you." Vinnie answered, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Is this our third date?" Aaliyah teased.

"I was hoping so." Vinnie answered.

"Well then yes, this is our third date. Also, I brought dessert since you bought dinner." Aaliyah smiled, following him into his very well decorated kitchen.

"Aw thank you. You didn't have too!" Vinnie answered.

"No problem, and trust me I wanted too."

Bear and Aaliyah sat at the table while Vinnie grabbed two cans of Coke, a juice for Bear since she wasn't allowed to have soda, and three cups.

He sat down, gave everyone there good and they all had a genuine good time as they ate together.


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