It took a minute for Jimin to process what Namjoon was saying, the guy spoke too fast.

"Is this what he said to you before going out? I didn't knew any if this, all i know he is acting weird and is sitting outside the room. I didn't think much of it because, well we are all weird"
Hobi asked shocked, he couldn't believe Jungkook was thinking all this.

Jimin also looked at Namjoon for explanation.

"No, he didn't said any of this, he just said that, he feels guilty of what happened and maybe he should stop interfering with everyone's lives" Namjoon replied.

"And you got all that from?"

"Listen, i may not be good with quick responses in a conversation, but i am damn good when it comes to analyze any situation if i think about it. Just talk to him, or he will keep blaming himself" Namjoon was really concerned about him. You can say out of all the boys, namjoon feels closest to Jungkook. Afterall they have already lived  together for quite sometime.

Jimin huffed and pondered what to say to Jungkook when a doctor came in, she checked Jimin and asked mandatory questions which Jimin answered, after seeing everything is okay with him did he went to Namjoon to check on him and then left the room.

Hobi brought Jimin water and the drank it so fast that he almost choked on it.. h^ was feeling parched.

"Hobi, baby can you go call Jungkook in?" Jimin asked Hobi after a while, making up his mind.

Namjoon didn't said anything to Jimin since they last spoke, and was immersed in his book.

Hobi nodded and went out to call for Jungkook.

A few moments later, Hobi entered in the room again dragging Jungkook with his sleeves who was doing his best to stop him but as soon as he saw both Jimin and Namjoon looking at him, he stopped struggling.

Hobi let out a huge breath, "He is very heavy" he said to no one in particular as he went to sat on the couch on far corner of the room.

"Hyung?" Jungkook looked at Namjoon questiongly but Namjoon just put book on his face and pretend to read and so Jungkook looked towards Jimin who was smiling at him.

He patted his bed and gestured him to sit beside him.

He hesitated but stillcame to sit. As soon as jungkook sat down, Jimin took his hands in his, "Jungkook, Thank You for saving me"

Jungkook shuddered at his words, he looked at Jimin, eyes filled with guilt and unshed tears.

"It was not your fault, instead you saved me, so really thank you"

Jungkook just shook his head, he shivered and opened his mouth to say something but didn't.

Seeing Jungkook hesitating, Jimin decided he needs to be the one to lead this conversation.

"Can i ask you something?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook nodded.

"What happened to mother and other people?" Jimin have his own speculations but his memories are hazy, he needed to confirm it.

We are Different & Weird| BTS AU | OT7 |Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin