001. Reputation

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Did I name Kasai's brother after Junpei from Jujutsu Kaisen? Yes, yes, I did.

There were so many people staring, glancing, and glaring at me. Well, to be fair, those looks could have been directed at my brother instead.

"Why are all these nobodies staring at us?" My brother spoke a little too loud causing us to receive even more glares.

"Junpei, calm down. You know Mom's not going to bail you out if you get into any more fights," I reminded him quietly. My brother scoffed in return and took another swig from the glass bottle in his hands. Arguably, that's what's bringing all the attention towards us. It's synthetic human blood. Of course, the humans are going to stare.

"I'll see you later, Kassie," my brother patted my shoulder. I scoffed at the nickname and scowled at him while he walked away. I can't stand being called that. It's a dumb nickname.

I went down the opposite hallway as my brother. I don't know where I'm going, but I didn't think Junpei did either since we just moved here and transferred to this school. I kept walking anyway until I came by someone that looked at least a little friendly.

"Hey, excuse me?" I got her attention.

"M-m-me?" she asked and looked around to see if there was anyone else I would be talking to.

"Yeah, you," I confirmed. "I was wondering if you could tell me where classroom 2-A is," I explained.

"Oh... yeah, I guess. It's on th-the way to m-my classroom. I can take you-you there," she stammered. She smoothed down the skirt of her frumpy yellow dress and lead the way. Her steps were fast-paced, but as a vampire, it wasn't hard to keep up with her. I could smell the fear and nervousness coming off of her, so I made sure to give her a little room.

It's kind of pathetic, really. All I did was ask her for directions, and she's acting like I'm the scariest person ever. It's not always easy to tell who's a vampire, and who isn't. However, for me, the bright red flecks in my mostly brown eyes, and my pasty skin gave it away.

"Here it is, haha," she laughed nervously and motioned to the door labeled "2-A".

"Thanks, sweetheart," I replied before stepping past her and sliding the classroom door open. I stepped in and let the door shut behind me. I found my desk fairly quickly, so I sat down and scrolled through my phone until class started.

"Hi, are you new here?" I tore my gaze away from my phone and was met with a pair of deep red eyes.

"Oh, uh, yeah. It's my first day here," I answered. He was a vampire, like me.

"Cool! Welcome to the school. My name is Nakagawa Tenjin," he introduced himself. I set my phone down on the table facedown. This guy seemed friendly enough.

"I'm Ikeda Kasai," I replied as he sat down at the table beside me. "So, I'm new here, but is it just me, or are the people here extra scared of our kind?"

"No, you're right," Nakagawa replied. "There's actually a club here. It's called the "Vampire Heritage Club". It's basically a club for vampires by vampires. I could introduce you to the others later."

Before I could respond, the teacher called our attention from the front. "Alright, Class. Settle down, and find a seat," he paused and watched the students scatter from the groups they stood in. "Now, let's get started-"


Once we were dismissed for lunch, Nakagawa and I decided to head to the courtyard. That's where most of our kind hung out during lunch. From what Nakagawa was telling me, I could tell that the students here were very separated.

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