038. Lost Child - Part 2

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Mitskuni sat beside me with one of his arms linked through mine. He's so clingy, but not in a bad way. It's nice. I wish we could do stuff like this more often. 

"Oh, no! You're too heavy!" Tamaki laughed as his puppy, Antionette, jumped on him to lick his face. Tamaki looked really happy with his new dog.

Mitskuni let out a quiet giggle, so I glanced over at him. He was watching Tamaki bond with Antionette while eating his ice cream.

Smoke slowly covered the stage, and young children rushed towards it. The other hosts, Hikaru, Kaoru, and Tamaki, sat down beside us in the back of the crowd. I could clearly hear the many children gasping out of amazement as the show began.

It started off as the stereotypical villain kidnapping a women that needed to be saved by the hero. The children cried out in fright and excitement, and I began trying to tune everything out. Although I didn't drink too much from Honey this morning, I was still feeling the normal effects.

"Umm," Honey's unsure hum brought me back to the present. "What happen to Kyo-chan?" he asked and looked around our small group. The other guys exchanged looks as if one of us had the answer.

"Uhh," Hikaru and Koaru hummed. "Uh, oh."

"Tamaki, you were carrying him, weren't you?" I reminded. "Because he was asleep. Where'd he go?"

"Um, I don't know," Tamaki answered slowly.

"We have to go find Kyo-chan!" Mitskuni gasped, and the others nodded instantly. Tamaki pulled out his phone and began trying to call him. After the third time it went to voicemail, he gave up, and the rest of us tried to think of ways to find him.

"Kassie,  do you think could you find him like how you found me at the jungle pool?" Honey asked and looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"I don't think that would work," I doubted. "It was a lot quieter and less crowded there. I wouldn't be able to tell where Kyoya is because of all the people here," I explained and softly shook my head.

"Ooh, maybe we could have them announce that he's lost! You know, like in the movies," Tamaki suggested. "That way, it'll be easier to find him rather than going through each floor or store!"

"Yeah! Let's do that," Hikaru and Kaoru agreed. I nodded and shrugged.

The six of us went down to the second floor to find someone that could help us. Tamaki took lead, so I followed without paying much attention to what he was telling the lady behind the desk.  

"Attention, shoppers. This is an announcement for a lost child," the announcer repeated twice. "A little boy named Kyoya Ootori is lost inside the store. Repeat, Kyoya Ootori is lost. His guardian, Suoh is waiting for him at the second floor information counter."

I stifled a laugh. Not only did she call Kyoya a child, but she also said Tamaki was Kyoya's guardian. I'm 100% sure this annoyed Kyoya, wherever he was. 

"Kyoya is five feet and eleven inches tall with black hair, and he is wearing prescription glasses," the announcer described. Once she finished up, she turned off the intercom, and the rest of us waited.

"Why'd she say Tama-chan is Kyo-chan's guardian?" Mitskuni tugged at my wrist.

"Because Tamaki is daddy, remember?" I jokingly responded. He let out a small laugh.

"You're so silly, Kassie," he replied. I shrugged softly and ignored the way Mori-senpai watched us. He didn't seem upset though. It was more like he was at ease seeing how Honey and I got along.

"Kyoya, there you are! We were so worried about you-" Tamaki stopped. "Why is Haruhi with you?" he asked when he noticed the person beside him.

"Haru-chan has come to play with us!" Honey cheered and skipped towards her.

"Sorry, guys, but I'm exhausted. It's been a very long day for me," Haruhi groaned as her shoulders slumped forward.

"How'd you find Kyoya?" I questioned and motioned over to the annoyed host.

"Huh? Well, I just sort of ran into him," Haruhi shrugged. "He didn't have his phone or wallet, so he needed my help," Haruhi answered.

"Stop it!" Tamaki laughed as his dog jumped on top of him again knocked him over again. "Quit licking me! That tickles!"

"What's with the dog?" Kyoya asked in a flat tone. Tamaki laughed again before standing up and picking up the puppy with him.

"Isn't she beautiful? I got her at this store called a pet shop!" Tamaki explained, still excited about the dog.

"Impulse buy," I mumbled softly in Kyoya's direction. He nodded to show he understood and completely expected something like that from the blond.

"Haruhi, Kyoya-senpai," Hikaru and Kaoru interjected. "Did you guys know Honey's been asking Kasai to drink his blood?" Honey let out a soft groan at the subject, and I felt him bury his face into my back as his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Wait, what?" Haruhi asked.

"Yes," Kyoya answered truthfully at the same time Haruhi spoke.

"I told you not to tell anyone," I scolded the brothers.

"They can't be the only ones in the club that didn't know!" Kaoru defended.

"What do you mean you already knew, Kyoya?" Hikaru questioned. All eyes were on him now, so he sighed and pushed up his glasses.

"Unlike the rest of you, I know a thing or two about vampire behavior and the effects of natural blood versus synthetic blood," he answered.

"Anyways, we haven't really talked about it since this morning," Hikaru and Kaoru continued.

"What do you think about it, Mori-senpai? Honey-senpai is your cousin after all," Hikaru hummed. I sent a glare at them, and the two only smiled devilishly back. I rolled my eyes and looked away. I tried not to make it obvious that I was nervous.

"It doesn't matter what they think. It only matters what Honey thinks," I reminded myself.

"Mitskuni isn't a child," Mori-senpai replied with an indifferent shrug.

"I think we should stop discussing the private details of their relationship," Haruhi added.

"Yes, we both agree very much," I replied instantly. Honey lifted his face from my back to nod and hum agreeingly.

"Welp, I'm going home," Haruhi sighed out and turned towards the stairs of the mall.

"No! Haruhi! We just found you. You can't leave yet!" Tamaki shouted and we all followed after her.

The chapter is shorter than normal, but I wanted to update again.

Thanks for reading🖤

The Vampire Host - OHSHCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora