010. Lunch with the Third-Years

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I always tell myself that I should wait a while before updating to make the schedule more consistent, but then I end up posting often bc I'm impatient and I wanna share it😭💀

Like always, Tenjin and I walked towards the courtyard for lunch in a comfortable. Normally, we'd be having some sort of debate or something, but right now, it was peaceful silence. Tenjin asked, "Because your a host, is that big party think next week mandatory?"

"I'm not sure," I answered and glanced over at him. "Probably, but I was planning on going anyway. You should too."

"Will you save me a dance?" Tenjin hummed teasingly.

"Uh, I don't know. That's kinda gay, and I don't do that gay stuff," I quietly scoffed and smirked slightly. Tenjin threw his head back as he laughed. Right as we were about to turn the corner, we passed by Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai.

"Sai-chan!" Honey-senpai instantly cheered when he noticed me. "Hi, Tenjin-chan," he greeted the other vampire.

"Hey, Honey-senpai, Mori-senpai," I greeted them both. Honey grinned, and Mori nodded in acknowledgment.

"Do you want to join us for lunch?" Honey-senpai asked. "Tenjin-chan can come too!"

"Uh," I hummed and looked over at the other vampire by my side with a questioning look. I did sort of want to join them, but I wasn't sure if Tenjin wanted to.

"It's cool! You hang out with them. I'll see you during class, and, uh, after clubs hours too, right?" Tenjin asked and began walking backwards towards where the courtyard was.

"Yeah, 'course," I answered and nodded quickly.

"You're gonna see Tenjin-chan after the host club?" Honey asked. The two third-years walked in the opposite direction of Tenjin, and I followed behind them.

"Yeah, we like to study together every now and then since we're in the same classes and everything," I lied. We most likely were not going to study.

We got to the cafeteria fairly quickly. Mori and Honey walked pretty fast, but it was easy to keep up with them. They got in line to purchase their lunch, so I waited behind the two. They got their food, but when they walked out of line, I followed them.

"Are you eating lunch?" Honey-senpai asked after he noticed I was empty-handed.

"No. I'll eat after the host club like I always do," I answered with a slight shake of my head.

"It's not good to skip meals, Sai-chan. Tell him, Takashi!" Honey-senpai replied and looked over at his taller cousin with a determined facial expression.


"Uh," I hummed and glanced around the busy cafeteria. "No, really it's fine. I'll eat later." Honey-senpai frowned and stared up at me with testy eyes. I felt bad for denying his requests. I know he was just trying to help me and make sure I was healthy, but this is something I didn't want to budge on.

"You're trying to get him to eat? This guy? In this loud crowded cafeteria? Good luck," my brother appeared behind me. He draped his arm over my shoulder, and told Honey-senpai, "Yeah, that's not going to work."

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the courtyard or something?" I asked and pushed his arm off my shoulder.

"I forgot my lunch in the car," Junpei explained. "I thought you would've been with Tenjin in the courtyard."

"No, I can't always be with Tenjin," I jokingly replied.

"Sai-chan, who's your friend?" Honey-senpai asked and stared up at us with wide eyes.

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