029. Good Puppy ♡

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⇩⇩Spicy chapter⇩⇩

Honey's smaller handheld mine. He led me through the empty hallways and pulled me into another one of the classrooms labeled as abandoned. Unlike the third music room, this one was actually pretty empty other than random furniture or cardboard boxes.

"We have to be at the host club in a couple of minutes," I reminded. "What are we doing here?" I asked. He didn't give me a response. He just giggled instead. He pushed me towards one of the slightly dusty couches that faced away from the door.

"It's okay, Kassie. We won't be that late," Honey whispered and crawled onto my lap. Honey pushed his school blazer off his shoulders and let it fall to the floor behind him. His hands went to his tie to loosen it. 

"What are you doing, Puppy?" I asked and grabbed his hands to stop him from undressing. Honey looked at me with a smile.

"You said you were hungry, right?" I slowly moved my hands away from him and he started to unbutton his shirt. "And, yes, Kassie, I'm sure about this," he added with a giggle before I could even respond to his question. His now unbuttoned shirt fell down to his elbows, and he looked at me expectantly.

"Do you remember the safeword? And the rules?" I asked and looked down to his bare neck and shoulders. The puncture marks from last time were almost all the way healed. It didn't look like it would scar too badly though.

"Cupcake," Honey nodded once. "If it hurts too much or if I don't want to anymore, I say the safeword," he added. I nodded back and placed my lips on his soft skin. Of course, I had to give him a few soft kisses before I brought out my fangs.

When I did sink my fangs into Honey's shoulder, I heard him slap his hand over his mouth and a muffled moan come from him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him close to me. I slid my hands up his shirt and placed them on the small of his back to hold him in place.

We barely started, and Honey was already squirming and letting out little moans. Because of this, it felt unlikely that he would ever use the safeword, but it was still nice to have as a precaution. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been eating as confidently as I am now.

I really don't want to hurt him.

I slid my hands from his back to each side of his torso. He arched into me. The feeling of my hands caressing his bare skin and my mouth abusing the sensitive skin on the nape of his neck made Honey whimper and moan even more. If he keeps going at this rate, we're going to get caught, so I flipped us over.

With him laying on his back on the couch, he was no longer visible if anyone were to open the door. It was just a precaution because of how loud he was getting. The whole time, though, my lips stayed attached to his neck.

I used one arm to hold myself up, so I wouldn't squish Honey, and with the other, I placed it right below one of his pectoral muscles. I moved my thumb up his body to gently swipe over his nipple as a test.

"Ah, Kassie!~" Honey moaned due to probably a mixture of surprise and satisfaction. His small hands gripped my blazer tightly as if he was trying to pull me closer. I rubbed my thumb over his nipple again, but this time, it lasted longer. His hips pushed up into mine for a second before he slowly began rock back and forth. I chuckled against the flesh of his neck and decided to tease him.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Puppy?" I spoke in a taunting tone. He let out small huffs and nodded softly. "Come on, Mitskuni. Use your words. Be a good puppy," I encouraged him to speak. I wanted to hear how wobbly his voice would get.

"Y-yes, Kassie, 's good. I fe-el go-good," he stuttered after I began to rock my hips against his too. I hummed and started licking at the puncture wounds to stop the bleeding. Honey was so distracted with the soft thrusts and the way that I play with his nipple that he didn't even notice I was closing the wound. 

When the blood clotted, I started leaving open mouth kisses down his chest and to his other pert nipple. I stopped at the top of his small areola. "I'm going to try something new, Mitskuni. Remember the safeword, and remember I won't be upset if you use it," I whispered. He let out a quick hum of agreement and dig his fingers through my hair.

I pressed my tongue down flat against his nipple and gently pinched the other. At first, I was gentle. I didn't want to overwhelm him. I softly but down on the small bud, and his hand tightened its grip on my hair.

Before I could keep going, though, the door creaked open, and I instantly pulled away from each other. Honey stared at me with wide panicking eyes, so I poked my head over the couch. I sighed in relief at what I saw.

It was a couple with their arms around each other and their lips locked together. At least it wasn't a teacher. They were probably doing the same as us, so I know they wouldn't judge.

"Hey, uh, excuse me?" I called out. The two jumped away from each other and stared at me with wide eyes. "Yeah, this room is already taken. Would you two mind going somewhere else?" I asked casually. Honey stared up at me with nothing but confusion.

"A-Ah, sorry!" the flustered girl shouted and covered her face with her hands.

"Wait, is that you? Ikeda?" the other asked and squinted her eyes to get a better look at me. The girl beside him groaned and tried to pull her friend out of the room.

"I, um, yeah. Listen, would you two mind, um, leaving? We'd like some privacy," I asked and leaned against the back of the sofa.

"Yes! We'll leave," the girl answered quickly and turned back to him to hiss, "Come on, let's go!" I felt bad for her, but at the same time not. She was so embarrassed, but Honey and I were in a worse position (not that she knew that).

"Damn, I knew that your host club guys get a lot of chicks," the guy huffed. "So lucky, man," he tsked.

"What the fuck does that mean?" the girl scoffed. "You know what? Forget this," she mumbled and left the room. He followed after her and the door shut behind them. That's one stupid guy.

"They're gone now?" Honey whispered, and I nodded back. "You-you don't think they know it was me, right?"

"No, no, we're fine. They just think you're some girl. We're okay, Honey. They have their own problems," I scoffed slightly in amusement.

"It's Mitskuni, remember?" he corrected me.

"Right, Mitskuni," I repeated and smiled down at him. A second later my smile faltered and I said, "I want to keep going, I really do, but I think the others are going to get a little mad at us for missing the club meeting."

"Mmph, okay," Honey huffed but laid limply beneath me. I laughed softly before pulling him up by his shoulders to dress him myself. He leaned back against the couch and watched as I got on my knees in front of him to re-button his shirt. I stopped halfway up though, and I went to my bag to pull out a bandaid.

"You shouldn't bleed anymore, but just in case you do, it won't leak through," I explained softly as I put the bandaid over the puncture wounds.

"I like it when you take care of me," Honey giggled and kicked his legs back and forth. He was staring down at me with a small smile and a big blush.

"I like taking care of you too, Mitskuni," I agreed.

When we stepped into the host room, the others looked at us instantly. They didn't say anything at first. Instead, they just watched us step into the room with our hands interlocked.  

"Where have you two been?" Hikaru asked.

"Do you know what time it is?" Kaoru said in the same sassy tone as his brother.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mom, Dad. Is it past our curfew?" I jokingly replied as Honey ran over to his cousin. The two brothers narrowed their eyes at me suspiciously, but I just stared back at them with a small smirk.

"Kasai, why are the two of you so late?" Tamaki approached me with his hands on his hips. I glanced over at Honey who was nervously looking at the floor. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time.

"We're only like 8 minutes late. It's not that much," I waved them off and went to go sit at the table everyone else was sitting at. "Let's just start with the meeting, yeah?"

Thankfully, they dropped the subject, and the three idiots sat back down at the table to discuss the upcoming themes of the host club.

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