027. Aftermath

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This first half(ish) is a part six for the beach chapters.

Third Person Point of View~

Honey woke up before Kasai did. He was sleeping on his side with his back against Kasai's chest. Honey could hear the soft snores coming from Kasai. Honey smiled when he remembered the night before. "I'm happy that Kassie liked it. I did too," Honey thought. "He's always drinking the AB flavored blood, so that had to be his favorite, right? That means I'm his favorite flavor." He let out a small giggle.

"Shh, you have to be quiet!" Hikaru harshly whispered.

"You don't want to wake up Honey-senpai if he is in here," Kaoru added in the same tone. The two brothers and Tamaki slowly pushed the door open.

"He isn't going to be in here. You guys are messing with me," Tamaki grumbled. Honey closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

"He's not in his room," Hikaru and Kaoru reminded.

"So? He could be with Mori-senpai," Tamaki tried to reason. When they opened to door far enough, they spotted Honey's blond tufts of hair behind Kasai.

"See!? We told you!" Hikaru and Kaoru began to loudly whisper. If you could even call it whispering...

"What? No, way," Tamaki replied with a look of amazement.

"You owe us 7,000 yen," Hikaru and Kaoru reminded, and the three of them left the room. It wasn't until then that Honey realized that Kasai stopped snoring. Kasai gently lifted his head and glanced around the room.

"Honey? Are you awake?" Kasai asked when he noticed the thumping of his heart. "Is... Is that Honey's heartbeat?" Honey turned over onto his back and smiled at Kasai.

"Good morning, Kassie," Honey spoke softly. Kasai instantly smiled back at the blond. He leaned forward to kiss Honey's temple.

"How's you're shoulder feeling?" Kasai asked and moved the blanket down to look at it. The puncture wounds scabbed over fully, and Kasai's prediction was right. There was a hickey left there. "Does it hurt?"

"No, I'm okay, Kassie," Honey replied. In reality, it did hurt a bit, but it was bearable. He leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to Kasai's lips. "We're going to tell our friends that we're together?" Honey asked. Kasai nodded with a love-sick smile on his face. "But-but, can we keep this between us?" Honey asked and put his hand over his shoulder.

"Of course, Honey. Whatever makes you comfortable," Kasai answered. He was a little happy that they were going to keep that part of their relationship a secret. Kasai's internalized hatred for vampires needing blood bubbled in his chest. Some part of him nagged at him that if the other hosts found out, they'd hate him, consensual or not.

Honey went back to his room to get dressed for the day, and Kasai begrudgingly did the same. Kasai didn't bother taking the sweats off from last night. Instead, he threw on a random graphic t-shirt, brushed through his hair, then went to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"I feel strange," Kasai thought as he stared at himself in the mirror. "I can hear the others. I shouldn't be able to hear them. Is it because of Honey's blood? I mean, I could hear his heartbeat. I wasn't able to do that before." Kasai finished up in the bathroom then headed back to his room to pack up his stuff. The other day, Kyoya had informed them that they were leaving after breakfast. The others were in the dining room eating breakfast that they ordered from some local restaurant.

"Good morning, Kasai!~" Hikaru and Kaoru spoke in a teasing tone. "Did you sleep alright?"

"Hmmph," Kasai grunted and sat down at the table. "I can hear all of their heartbeats. It's too much. I'm not used to this," Kasai groaned. "Please, I know about your bet with Tamaki, and yeah, Honey slept in my room," Kasai shrugged. He crossed his arms over the top of the table. He yawned then placed his head on top of his forearms.

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