006. First Day as a Host! - Part 1

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Heyy two chapters within 10 hours!!

Third Person Point of View~

Kasai didn't leave his room until around seven that night. He spent most of the time napping or wasting time on his phone, but when seven o'clock came, he left to join his family for dinner. In the dining room, Kasai's three siblings were already seated at the table. "Hey! Look who finally woke up from his nap!" Junpei teased. Kasai only glared at him.

"How was your day, Kassie?" Miyuki, Kasai's sister, asked. She had a kind smile on her face that reminded Kasai of his mother's. One thing Kasai was thankful for about moving was he was able to see Miyuki a lot more often.

"It was okay," Kasai answered. "I joined a club and made some human friends." He sat down at his usual spot at the table. Their dinner was already served and set in front of them, thanks to the maids or butlers of the house. "What about you, Miyu?" Kasai asked.

"Just a normal day at work," she shrugged. "Nothing special." None of the vampires had begun eating yet. They always waited for their mother on nights like this since she wasn't able to always be around. When she entered the room, she smiled at the sight of her children talking and getting along. Seeing that made the guilt of not being around all the time a little more bearable.

"At least, they always have each other's company," the mother vampire thought.

"Psh, really? Friends with humans?" Kasai's oldest brother, Hiroto, focused on what Kasai had just said. He scoffed, and his face slightly twisted with disbelief and disgust. "You really found humans that aren't stuck up enough to be friendly with?"

"Yeah, humans!" Junpei confirmed with a small laugh. None of them had noticed their mother enter yet. Only other vampires were able to sneak up on vampires. Humans are always too loud.

"Hi, Mom," Kasai greeted quickly. He was the first to notice since his chair was facing the door. He turned his attention back to his brothers while Miyuki began speaking to her mother. "There's nothing wrong with these ones. For the most part, they treat me like anybody else," Kasai reasoned with his brothers.

"Really? Even those Hitachiin twins? Because I heard they can be jerks. My friends, the vampires, know a lot about those humans in your club," Junpei replied with a knowing smile and nod. "And we all know how vampires like to gossip."

"The twins aren't that bad," Kasai responded unsurely. "I mean, they weren't great, but I'm not going to tell them that," he figured.

"I'm glad you made some friends," Miyuki replied and tried to steer the conversation away from that topic. The mother vampire sat down at her spot at the end of the table, and the whole family began to eat.

"Junpei, are you sure those humans aren't good for Kassie?" Hiroto asked and furrowed his eyebrows as any overprotective older sibling would. He ate another spoonful of the good soup in front of him.

"I can make that decision myself. Thank you very much," Kasai called out, but they didn't really listen to him. They heard him, but they didn't listen.

"You're the baby. We have to watch over you," Junpei reasoned, agreeing with Hiroto.

"Huh?! Don't pretend like you're way older than me! I'm only a year younger than you, Junpei!" Kasai gasped in disbelief at his brother's response.

"Boys, leave your brother alone," Mother Vampire sighed at her two eldest sons. The boys listened, and for a moment, the dining room was silent.

"See? Even Mom wants to protect baby Kassie," Hiroto mumbled quietly causing Junpei to burst out laughing and Kasai to roll his eyes.

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