017. What Am I Supposed To Do Now?

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Kenta Had me pinned against the wall. The back of my head and my shoulder blades ached slightly at his brute force. Kenta intensly glared at me. His eyes flashed red with anger.

It wasn't something that happened often, but when it did, it was almost never good.

"Do me a favor and stay away from my brother. Got it? Stop coming over to my house, and leave my little brother-" He was shoved away from me before he could continue. I thought it would've been Tenjin who pushed him, but no. It was Junpei.

Great. He's going to want to know why Kenta is pissed now...

"Do you have a problem with Kasai!?" Junpei growled. "Because if you do, then you have a problem with me!" He stood in front of me to block Kenta from getting to me.

"Stay out of this, June," Kenta huffed. His eyes stayed locked on mine. He took a step closer, but Junpei pushed him back again, but this time it wasn't as forceful. By now, the two third-years and Tenjin were rushing towards us. Tenjin looked at me with an apologetic expression.

"No, you stay away from him. Keep your hands off my brother," Junpei barked. He didn't even know what was going on, but he instantly defended me. Junpei's a good brother even though he annoys the hell out of me sometimes.

"Oh, yeah? Then tell him to keep his hands off mine," Kenta retorted and pointed at me. "You know what?" He scoffed. his arm dropped to his side and he turned his head away. "I don't need this," he muttered and started to walk away.

"What?" Junpei asked and somewhat froze in confusion, but Kenta ignored him. He kept walking- more like stomping away from us.

"Wait, Kenta-" Tenjin called back and followed his brother.

"Fuck off, Ten," Kenta growled back. The two brothers walked away. Kenta was trying to get away from Tenjin and Tenjin was trying to make Kenta feel better. I tried to tune out their argument to give them some privacy, but it was kind of hard with how loud they were talking.

"Kasai," Junpei mumbled. I could tell without even looking at Junpei that he was very confused.

"Are you okay, Kassie-chan? Did he hurt you?" Honey-senpai asked and inched closer to me.

"No, I'm okay," I whispered and avoided my brother's and Honey-senpai's gazes by staring down at the floor.

"Why was he so angry?" Honey-senpai asked carefully. I was quiet. I scratched at the back of my neck and turned my head away.

"Yeah, why was he so angry? What did you do, Kasai?" Junpei repeated with a stern tone just a few seconds later. He wasn't angry-sounding. It was more like he was taking that responsible "parent" role.

"Nothing. It's nothing," I whispered. I couldn't force myself to look at any of them. Junpei sighed, and I could see his expression soften from my peripheral vision. He understood that I prefered that less people knew.

"Can you guys leave us for a second?" Junpei asked Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai.

"B-but-" Honey stuttered. I could tell he was just worried. That's why he wanted to stay.

"Mitskuni, come on," Mori said and dragged him away. Junpei leaned against the wall beside me and sighed.

"So," he paused. "When I told Kenta to keep his hands off my brother, he said to tell you to keep your hands of his," Junpei recalled. "You and Tenjin still seemed to be getting along, so I don't think you got into a fight. You have been going over to his house a lot," my brother thought out loud. "Is-is Tenjin more than a friend to you?"

"No, no," I denied quietly and quickly. I shook my head then added, "We're just friends who occasionally..." I trailed off. I didn't directly want to say it. He's my brother, after all. I don't want to talk about my seggs life with him. "I think you get the point, but it didn't mean anything. We were just messing around."

"Damn," Junpei scoffed. "My little brother lost his virginity before I did," he joked.

"Junpei," I scoffed and rolled my head back against the wall behind me. That made him laugh.

"You know, I kinda had a feeling you were gay," he whispered and nudged my shoulder.

"I'm not fully gay," I mumbled. I kept my eyes either on the floor or the sky. Honey-senpai was still watching me, and I didn't want to accidentally made eye contact with him.

"Still half right," Junpei shrugged. "If Kenta fucks with you again, you'll tell me though, right? Because I know you're too scared to get into a fight."

"Yeah, and you aren't supposed to get into anymore fights either, June. Mom said no more. She's not going to help you anymore," I reminded him.

"Ehh," he shrugged again. "Such a stickler for the rules, Kassie. I'll see you later. You're friend looks a little eager to talk to you," Junpei said and nodded in Honey-senpai's direction. I didn't look over though. I knew he was still staring from all the way over there. Junpei patted my shoulder before turning away and leaving with his hands in his pockets.

After another moment of stanind there alone, I started going back to where Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai were waiting for me.

"Kassie!" Honey pulled away from his cousin's hold and ran towards me when he noticed I was approaching. He jumped into my arms and hugged my neck tightly. "Are you okay? What happened?" he sniffled.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I confirmed and wrapped my arms around his mid-section to help him hold on. Honey wrapped his legs around my waist and held me tightly. I carried him back to the table and sat down with him still holding me tightly. "I can't really explain, but everything's going to be okay."

"Okay," Honey mumbled with his head still burried in my neck. I rubbed his back comfortingly. I was the one pinned to the wall by an angry vampire, but he's the one who needs comforting... so cute.

I lifted my gaze and made eye conact with Mori-senpai. He was blankly staring at me while chewing on his lunch. I gave him a little awkward smile then focused my attention back on the person in my lap.

"Are you feeling okay, Senpai?" I asked quietly. There was no point in speaking loudly when he was literally on top of me.

"Jus' scared," he mumbled.

"Aww, it's okay. Everything's okay," I replied in a soft tone. I didn't force or encourage him to let go of me. I guess, he's fine where he is. A minute or two later, he pulled away and stared at me with side eyes.

"Are you sure you okay? It looked like it hurt," Honey-senpai mumbled.

"I mean, it did," I replied and laughed softly. When Honey frowned, I added, "But I'm okay now, Senpai. I promise." I patted his back for emphasis. He turned his head down, and his cheeks began to turn pink.

"O-okay," Honey stammered and slowly slid out of my lap. I think he just realized the kind of position we were in. Honey's adorable. He didn't even realize he was sitting on my lap until he pulled away from the hug

God dammit. I do like him. What am I supposed to do now?


I'm excited to write when they finally get together 😭

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