003. The Host Club's Dog

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This is written in a third-person point of view.

"Pffft, you're going where?" Junpei held in a laugh and gave his brother an incredulous look. "What are you, gay?"

"No," Kasai scoffed, exasperated.

"Then why are you going there?" Junpei, with his eyebrows furrowed, replied quickly before his brother could even begin to explain. Kasai rolled his eyes and gave Junpei a look that was begging him to shut up.

"The president of the club invited, so I can see how the club works, and what it's like. He wants me to be a host," Kasai explained slowly.

"And you're really considering it?" Junpei raised his eyebrows. Kasai pressed his lips into a thin line then nodded.

"Dude, all they do is sit around and flirt with girls. In the Vampire Heritage Club, all they do is sit around and occasionally talk about world problems. It's almost the same thing," Kasai reasoned. "I'd rather join the host club than that heritage club."

Junpei didn't say anything at first. He just skeptically narrowed his eyes."My brother's gay, isn't he?" Junpei instantly thought.

"Anyways, they're waiting for me, so I'll see you at home," Kasai said and turned around. Junpei shrugged and turned the opposite way.

"Whatever. It doesn't affect me," he mumbled to himself.

Kasai made it to the host club room within a few short minutes thanks to his vampiric abilities. He didn't hesitate to push the door open and step into the music room.

"Boss, your little vampire is here!" A set of ginger-headed twins called out. Kasai sent them a quick glare in response.

"How dare they? I'm no one's little vampire... well, maybe my mom's. I swear, Reader, if you tell my mom I said that, I'll make you wish you never even learned how to talk."

"Kasai! You're finally here!" The blond cheered. "Come meet the others." He led Kasai towards where the other hosts were standing in a group.

"Hi, Sai-chan!" Honey was the first of the other hosts to greet him. "My name is Haninozuka Mitskuni, but we're friends now, so you can call me Honey-senpai, kay?" He smiled happily at the vampire. Kasai returned the expression and nodded. "And this is my Morinozuka Takashi, but you can call him Mori-senpai," Honey added and grabbed onto his cousin's arm.

"You're the third-years, right?" Kasai asked. "Suoh told me a little about you all during lunch," he explained then turned to the two brothers. "You two are the Hitachiin twins, Hikaru and Kaoru, but I don't know which of you is which."

"I'm Hikaru," the twin on the right said.

"I'm Kaoru," the other replied. "So, are you really planning on joining?"

"Wouldn't your other vampire buddies make fun of you?" Hikaru hummed.

"Well, yeah," Kasai replied. He paused and shrugged. "And, that's something for me to worry about, though." He didn't feel like explaining to them that, yeah, they'd make fun of him, but he knew that they, the male vampires mostly, would be jealous.

"You're really thinking about joining?" Tamaki grinned happily. When Kasai nodded, Tamaki turned to Kyoya with a triumphant expression. Kyoya internally rolled his eyes and went back to his black notebook.

"He's not like the others of his kind. Any other vampire here would've shot down Tamaki's offer right away," Kyoya thought as he blankly stared down at the notebook. "It's best to keep a close eye on him, though."

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