015. Investigation - Part 3

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Third Person Point of View

"-and he has this little pink bunny that he takes everywhere. Honey named it Usa-chan, and he told me that his late grandma made it for him. I don't know why, but he likes to make me hold it," Kasai ranted. "And I always end up agreeing because it's hard to say no to him."

"Right..." Tenjin hummed. He had a slight smirk on his face as he listened to Kasai rant about the third year. "Is he in love with him or something?" Tenjin looked over at the other vampire. Kasai looked like he was deep in thought, and he had a love-sick smile. "Oh, damn. He is."

The two vampires entered the classroom and sat at their assigned desks. Tenjin sneakily continued to watch Kasai. His smile softened, but it never fully went away.

"You're really close with Honey-senpai, aren't you?" Tenjin asked and watched as Kasai slowly turned sideways to face him.

"Uh, yeah, I guess. We do spend a lot of time together," Kasai answered with a soft shrug. "Why are you smiling like that?" He narrowed his eyes at his friend.

"No reason! Just thinking," Tenjin replied and turned away. "I should do more research."


At lunch, Kasai passed by Honey and Mori in the hallways. As usual, Honey invited Kasai to eat lunch with him and his cousin.

"You wouldn't mind if I joined this time, would you?" Tenjin asked. "I have to do some investigating."

"Of course, Tenjin-chan!" Honey didn't hesitate to agree. "If he's Kassie's friend, that means he's my friend too!"

"Okay, thanks," Tenjin grinned. Like they always did, they headed to the cafeteria, but with Tenjin this time.

"You're going to eat with us today, right, Kassie-chan?" Honey-senpai asked for clarification. Tenjin raised a brow at the nickname and looked to Kasai for his reaction. The vampire nodded and smiled softly.

"So, he doesn't care when Honey-senpai calls him that, does he?" Tenjin mentally noted. He walked behind Honey and Kasai and beside Mori.

When the group entered the cafeteria, they noticed the loud commotion going on by the cafeteria lines. Kasai quickly spotted Haruhi and approached her.

"Has this been going on the whole time?" He quietly asked her.

"Yeah," she mumbled with a blank facial expression. "Amazing. Perfect unison even when they're fighting."

"I was wondering what all the fuss was about. I can't believe the two of you are still fighting, you're a disgrace to the host club," Tamaki told the two twins. All of the hosts stood in the same group now.

The two brothers continued to argue though. They barely listened to what Tamaki had said to them.

"So, this is what you were talking about, huh?" Tenjin rhetorically asked Kasai. "Is this sort of thing normal from the host club?"

"From them, no," Kasai answered with a small shake of his head.

"We've had enough of this! You're both to blame for this fight!" Honey-senpai scolded Hikaru and Kaoru. He walked over to them with a cake in his hands.

"Where did he get that from??" Kasai watched curiously.

"Hika-Chan and Kao-Chan, I want you to make up and go halfsies on this cake, 'kay? But I want to have a piece too, so I guess we're going to have to go thirdsies." Hikaru and Kaoru stared, annoyed at the ranting blond, but Honey seemed oblivious to it.

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