012. Honey's Nap

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Not me posting another chapter only 9 hours later💀💀

Third Person Point of View

Italics is only Kasai's thoughts unless stated otherwise.

Kasai sat by himself. The club hasn't started yet, so he sat around and scrolled through his phone. The other hosts were doing their own things and preparing for the club's opening. "Kassie!" Honey-senpai called out and walked over to the vampire.

"Hey, Senpai," Kasai greeted. When he lifted his head, he noticed the short blond was that Honey had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and Usa-chan in his arms. "Where's Mori-senpai?" Kasai asked after he couldn't spot the taller of the two third-years.

"He's at kendo practice," Honey mumbled. Honey sat down beside Kasai. "Can I take a nap right here, Kassie?" Honey asked in a tired tone.

"Here? Yeah, of course," Kasai agreed. Honey hummed and fell down onto the couch, and put his head in Kasai's lap.

"Thank you, Kassie," Honey-senpai whispered and closed his eyes. Kasai hummed back. He didn't think this is what Honey-senpai meant, but he went along with it anyway. Kasai went back to scrolling through social media, but he made sure to turn his volume off so it wouldn't disturb Honey-senpai.

Within the next few minutes, Honey was dead-asleep. He had the pale blue blanket wrapped tightly around his body, and the pink stuffed bunny was cradeled in his arms. Kasai looked away from his phone and stared down at the sleeping lolita.

"Honey fell asleep quickly. He must have been tired."

While he watched him sleep, he noticed Honey-senpai would increasingly move around more.

"Is he uncomfortable or something?" Kasai questioned. He hesitantly placed his hand on top of the blond's head and began to smooth down his hair. "Oh, that seemed to calm him down," Kasai hummed.

"Hey, Mori-senpai. Honey-senpai's not with you?" Haruhi greeted the quiet male. For a second, Mori was confused and slightly panicked. Honey told him he'd be waiting in the Host Club room. Mori relaxed, though, when Kasai spoke up.

"He's taking a nap over here," Kasai explained in gentle tone. He made sure not to move around to much, so Honey wouldn't wake up. When the other hosts heard, they all took a few cautious steps over to the two.

"He's a third-year and still takes naps?" Haruhi asked and gazed down at the sleeping lolita. "Isn't he a little old for naps?"

"Aww, Kasai, he's sleeping on your lap," Hikaru cooed.

"And you're playing with his hair," Kaoru added in the same tone as his brother. The two of them began laughing.

"Careful. You wouldn't want to wake up Honey-senpai," Kyoya warned, and the twins instantly stopped.

"He asked if he could take a nap over here, and I agreed. I didn't know he meant this," Kasai spoke softly. He continued to gently stroke the blond's head. When he glanced back up from his lap, he noticed that the hosts had backed up.

"Please, Kasai-senpai, you like that he's sleeping on your lap," Hikaru huffed from behind his hiding position.

"You wouldn't be stroking his head like that if you didn't," Kaoru reasoned.

"Wanna bet?" Kasai stared blankly at them for a second then pulled his hand away from Honey's sleeping figure. Almost instantly, Honey began to fidget and let out a few quiet huffs.

"Wait, no, he's going to wake up. Kasai, keep going," Tamaki whisper-shouted and dove behind the couch with the two brothers. Kasai let out a small laugh and continued his actions. Honey-senpai settled down again.

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