🥀Chapter 36🥀

Start from the beginning

Or most likely someone.

Tearing through the crowd of students I bulldoze my way through the lot to get to him.

The fucking traitor.

I watch as his eyes lock onto mine and the lazy way he examines my stride.

I scowl at him and note the way his eyes spark with what I can only call excitement.

I'm angry and the bastard is fucking excited about it.

Time to change that.

I charge at him with all my might and shove into him almost smiling as his back hits his car from impact.

"Jamilla....." Beelzebub speaks up but before he can get a word out I slap him hard.

The whole lot goes quiet and I feel the heated throb in my palm and watch the spot I slapped him redden.

His right eyes twitch slightly.

I go on full feral mode now and launch my attacks onto him, kicking slapping and scratching at him while he stay still as a statue and lets me have my fill while the whole student body looks on in shock at my outburst.

It goes on for a while, me just causing as much damage to him as possible while Beelzebub just watches on his form deathly calm like I'm not raining hell on him with my hits.

"Fuck you, you bloody bastard, fuck you" I scream at the top of my lungs.

When he still doesn't react I grab his tie and pull him down until were on the same level, his cold eyes meeting my fiery gaze.

"We're done Beelzebub, and this time I fucking mean it" I smile when I notice his eyes twitch once more, "we're over"

I let his tie go and make to walk away when I'm grabbed and flung back so hard I swear I have whiplash.

"What the hell....." I screech and make to hit him but he grabs my hand, forcing me to face him fully and I almost gulp at the state of his eyes.

"Done?" he lets out a harsh laugh then grabs me by the neck and tightens his hold slightly in warning.

"Firashat jamilla, you can never be done with me" he pulls me closer with so much brute force I literally gasp for air, "I let you have your little fun my dark butterfly and now it's my turn."

"Let me go Beelzebub" I seethe.

He smiles, a cruel slow smile that makes me shiver.

"Oh jamilla, why would I when the fun has only just begun."

Then he grabs me and pulls me into the passenger seat of his car.

I kick and scream in anger but he simply ignores me and knocks on the glass separating the driver from the passenger's side.

"Take us to the mansion" Beelzebub growls and the car roars to life pulling out of the schools parking lot.

"Let me go you crazy fuck" I scream fighting against him to no avail as he keeps me firmly against his side, restricting my movement.

THE BLACK ONYX (BOOK 1) WATTYS 2022 ~The Black series~Where stories live. Discover now