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Ijichi, driving Yuji and (Y/n): So, how was your day?

Yuji: We almost got surprised adopted!

Ijichi: What?

(Y/n): We almost got kidnapped.

Ijichi: Oh, okay.

Ijichi: *Slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!


Yuji: Why are people always fighting over top or bottom? I would be lucky just to have a bunk bed.




Gojo: I'm gonna tell him.

(Y/n): Don't you dare.


(Y/n): I'm breaking up with you.

Gojo: Are you breaking up with me while I'm driving the car? You do know I have full power to end your life right?

(Y/n): What? What are you talking about?

Gojo: I'm just saying that red light looks really green right now.



Yuuta: Me.

(Y/n): —on a date?


(Y/n), Yuji, Nobara: *Screaming*

Fushiguro: *Runs in* What's wrong, (Y/n)?

Yuji: Why are you only asking (Y/n)-chan? We're all screaming here!

Fushiguro: Because (Y/n) doesn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have a chance.


(Y/n): *Being kidnapped by Geto* I hate to ask this, but can we go to McDonald's?

Geto: What the— Wait, you're not scared?

(Y/n): No! Of course not, this it like my fourth time being kidnapped.

Geto: Wait, really?

(Y/n): Yep, everyone wants me.


Fushiguro: *Wearing a lesser shade of black*

Yuji: I see you're bursting out the spring colors.


(Y/n): *Finally leaving her room*

Gojo, and the others at the table, eating: Well, look who decided to join us.


(Y/n): Maybe if I fell in love with anxiety it will also leave me.

Yuji: Hahahaha....What?


Yuji: Gojo-sensei and I were crossing the streets, and this dude drove by and honked at us.

(Y/n): *Sighing* What did that idiot do?

Yuji: He chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...

Gojo: Who wants a steering wheel?


Toudou: Kiss me if I'm wrong, but dinosaurs still exist right?

(Y/n): Yes, Barney still exists.


Maki: (Y/n) isn't answering her phone.

Yuuta: I'll call.

Maki: Panda and I have both tried six times each, what makes you think—

(Y/n): Hello?


Gojo: What did you guys get in your yearbook?

Yuji: "Prettiest Smile"

Fushiguro: "Nicest Personality"

Nobara: "Most Likely to Start a Bar Fight"

(Y/n): "Least Likely to Start a Bar Fight but to Most Likely to Win One"

JJK SpecialsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora