~Special 29~

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This was requested by @Todofake Hope you enjoy! Hi again ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

This was requested by @Todofake Hope you enjoy! Hi again ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

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-3rd POV-

(Y/n) had somehow ended up in Saitama, she passed by a school, but she ignored it, walking ahead, before she came to a halt when a voice called out to her.


The said girl turned and saw Hinata, running towards her.

"(Y/n)-chan! I want you to meet a few friends of mine! They are training here along with us." He said happily.

"Hm!" The girl hummed, nodding.

The male grinned and took a hold of her hand, before leading her towards the gym, where everyone is.

"Kageyama! Look who I found!"

The male looked at his teammate, then next to him where the demon girl is, blushing slightly at the petite girl, "H-Hello again."

(Y/n) smiled and went up to him, patting his head, "Hm." She hummed softly.

"(Y/n)-chan! Come on!" Hinata said impatiently, making the girl smile at him and follow him, not before waving at Kageyama.

The orange haired male lead her to a male that was playing on a console and his hair reminded her of pudding.

"Kenma! This is the girl, I was telling you about! She was the one that got lost, and is very cute!"

The said male looked up from his game, looking at his friend before turning to the girl, and made a confused face, "Why does she wear a muzzle?" He said softly.

Hinata made a thinking face before remembering, "Ah! Her friend said it was for protection, whatever that means, but I think it makes her look cute with it!" He said happily.

Kenma looked at the girl, "Can you take off the muzzle?"

"Hm." (Y/n) hummed, before turning around, signaling for her Karasuno friend to untie it. He did and once she pulled it away from her mouth, the other two anticipated what she looked like without it. The demon girl turned to them and smiled, "H-Hello..." She said softly.

"Wah! (Y/n)-chan! You sound and look cute!" Hinata gushed at her, as a blush spread across his cheeks.

Kenma hid half his face with his game, 'She is very adorable...' He thought before looking down at his game and started to play again, trying to ignore the blush on his face.

"I want you to also meet Bokuto-san and Akaashi-san!" Hinata exclaimed before dragging the girl towards the two people he mentioned, while the girl had dotted eyes.

He then came to a sudden stop, making the girl bump into his back, "Bokuto-san! Akaashi-san! I have someone that I would like you to meet!"

"Hey, Hey, Hey! Who is it, Chibi-chan?" The two toned haired male said, while his friend stood quiet.

Hinata moved to the side and Bokuto just screamed, making everyone in the gym turn.

"Bokuto-san, quiet down." Akaashi said.

"Akaashi! Chibi-chan has an adorable friend!" He exclaimed hugging the girl.

(Y/n) smiled, accepting the hug since he was very warm.

The male pulled back and looked at the girl, "I'm Bokuto Koutarou!"

The girl smiled, "K-Kou..."

Bokuto looked at Akaashi and gave him puppy dog eyes, "Akaashi! Can we keep her?"

The said male shook his head, "No, we can't. She probably has a school she is going to." He told him, before turning to the girl and bowing, "I'm sorry about him, I'm Akaashi Keiji."

"Kei..." She smiled, making the male blush slightly.

"Akaashi! Are you sure we can't keep her?!" Bokuto said hugging the girl close to him, "She is very adorable! Plus, with the school uniform...even more adorable! She can join as a manager with Kaori-chan!"

Hinata pouted, "What?! No! (Y/n)-chan is joining Karasuno!"

"(Y/n)-chan? Wah! Her name is even adorable!"

"Of course it is! Her name is Kamado (Y/n)!"

Bokuto then gasped and leaned down to her height, "Your new nickname is now cutie-chan!"

(Y/n) smiled and pat his head, "O-Okay..." She said softly.

"Akaashi...I'm officially taking her with us..."

"Bokuto-san no—"

He then scooped the girl up and ran.

Hinata with dotted eyes was confused for a second before..."EH?! Bokuto-san!"

Akaashi had to make his friend let go of the demon girl, apologizing to her, but she would only pat his head, accepting the apology, but didn't really mind since she liked being picked up. She couldn't really shrink since Gojo told her not to in public.

"Remember, (Y/n)-chan, you can't shrink down in front of people, they will freak out, so be careful when out in public."

In the end, Bokuto, Akaashi, Hinata and Kageyama, taught the girl some basics of volleyball. Kenma was there too, but he would occasionally look up from his game just to look at the girl. Later, another friend of Hinata's came into join.

"Hinata! You never introduced me to your friend!" A tall male said.

"Lev!" The orange haired teen said, smiling, "Sorry, Akaashi-san and I had to run after Bokuto-san since he kind of took her. I was with Kenma earlier but I tried finding you, but couldn't."

"Ah, Yaku had me running errands..." The said male said scratching the back of his head.

Hinata then called out to the girl, making her walk over to them, "(Y/n)-chan! This is Lev!"

The girl had to look up at the male, surprised that he was slightly taller than Gojo.

The gray haired male's eyes sparkled, "She is so small and cute! I'm Haiba Lev!"

(Y/n) smiled, "K-Kamado...(Y-Y/n)..." She said softly.

He then picked her up and ran around the gym, with Hinata following, yelling at him to put her down.

That's how (Y/n) spent her day, almost being kidnapped by them.

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