~Special 28~

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-3rd POV-

(Y/n) was walking around before she saw a familiar face, from her memories.

She ran but they had disappeared.

"Hm." She hummed before seeing them from the corner of her eye, and followed them.

After a long walk, she was met with a forest. She then walked through it and there was a clearing with a railroad track in the middle that looks like it hasn't been used in years.


She heard a male voice, making her turn and seeing Tanjiro.

He was looking forward, but had a soft smile on his face.

"Here is where I saw one of the best people in front of me die during a mission. He was the greatest. I wanted you to come here because, if you do find his reincarnation...I want you to hold onto them and never let go...I did it once...and I don't want it to happen to you." He said, now looking at the girl with a close eyed smiled and tears streaming down his face.

"Hm." (Y/n) hummed softly, nodding.

He smiled before he disappeared.

The girl looked at the railroad track before walking up to it.

"Rengoku-san!" Tanjiro's voice yelled out.

She heard, making her turn, seeing a male that had long bright yellow hair with red streaks with two shoulder-length bangs and two chin-length bangs on the side of his head, black forked eyebrows, and golden eyes that fade to red with white pupils.

The male fought against a demon that had short, bright pink hair that fluffed out around his head, and inward-tilting yellow eyes with pink eyelashes and blue sclera that looked somewhat like cracked glass, the kanji for "Upper Rank Three" etched into their irises.

(Y/n) watched the battle until she felt someone run past her.

"Move, Inosuke! Move your body for Rengoku's sake!" The burgundy haired male said with his sword in hand and his other hand clutching his abdomen.

The male wearing the boar mask ran, and jumped, "Beast Breathing, Fang One...Pierce!" He said, pointing his blades towards the demon, but they got out of the male's grip by ripping his limbs, and jumping back, creating a pressure of wind, making the boar masked male fall.

(Y/n), who was watching this memory, cried. She knew she couldn't do anything but she wished she could've helped them.

She looked up and saw Tanjiro run after the demon, aiming his sword, before flames surrounded it and threw it.

"Don't run away! Don't run away, you coward! Don't run away!" The male yelled out as the pink haired demon kept running away. "The Demon Slayer Corps...is always fighting you demons in the dark of the night where you have the advantage! That's right, us flesh and blood humans! Our wounds don't close up that easily! And we cannot regenerate a limb once lost! Don't run away, you bastard! You bastard! You coward! Rengoku is way more amazing than you! He's stronger! Rengoku didn't lose! He didn't let anybody die! He fought to the end! He protected them to the end! You're the one who lost! It's Rengoku who won!" Tanjiro yelled as tears fell from his eyes, as Inosuke was trembling and Rengoku looked at him.

(Y/n) let her tears fall down her face, "Hm..." She hummed, softly, wiping her tears but more would come down. She then looked up and saw the fiery haired male smile, before his head leaned forward.

"Hm!" She hummed, falling to her knees and crying.

"Hey! Are you okay?" A male voice said behind her.

She looked back and saw the same fiery haired male, making her tear up again. She got up from her position and ran to him, before hugging him.

He let out a soft laugh, "Didn't think I would find the reincarnation of that kid's sister here..."


The male looked down at the girl and smiled, the one that grew to be engraved into her memory, "I'm Rengoku Akito."

The crying female let go of him, before taking off her muzzle, "K-Kamado....(Y-Y-Y/n)...." She said softly.

"Nice to meet you, Kamado-chan." He said, giving her a closed eyed smile.

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