"I'm sorry Cupcake. I had no choice-"

"Everyone has a choice! I trusted you, Brian! Y-you deceived me!!" I spat the words in indignation.

"Cupcake, this is your life now. You have to accept it. You have to accept me-"

"Accept you? I accepted you as my friend, that wasn't enough!?" I exclaimed, my voice trembled with outrage.

"You're just confused. Once you've calmed, you'll clearly see that we were meant to-"

"What is wrong with you!?" I asked, my rage getting the best of me.

"Everything's wrong with me, Yolanda. You're the right to make me right" he smirked, a few strands of his dirty blonde hair fell over his face.

"Ugh... I.... I can't deal with you. Just let me go Brian and we can forget everything that ever happened" I suggested honestly. I'm willing to forgive all his acts if agrees.

He threw his head back to laugh darkly as if I uttered something humorous. He faced me with a stern look on as I stared at him with brooding eyes, while crossing my legs in a lotus position, hands balled into fists.

"I'm never letting you go, Cupcake. Never-"

"Brian think rationally. I can't be yours because I belong to someone else, ok?" I stated rather calmly despite the boiling anger. The way he uttered his words made me involuntarily shiver. His tone was bold, it's as if everything he spoke that he would confidently do.


"Can't you see I love Logan? Huh?" I stated, cutting him off. He tensed at my words. He seemed annoyed by my words. He kept closing his eyes to keep calm.

"Cupcake. Listen to me" he started with his eyelids shut, his voice sounded almost intimidating. He was obviously trying to calm down, and so far he was doing pretty well.

I won't be intimidated by him. He has to hear what I want to express, in hopes to alter his mind.

"No Brian. You listen to me. You and I aren't meant to-"

Before I could justify my point, he grabbed my fists and roughly pinned them to the headboard. I screamed at the sudden move.

With a dash of panic in my heart, I stared into his anger spewing orbs, pushing away the fear and remaining bold.

I will not fear him, not this time.

His face was inches away from mine. I tried moving my face away from his as far as I could but it's as if his cold gaze had freezed my entire body.

With a stupid blank look on, he drew closer to my ear and whispered-
"I'll make myself really clear. As long as you're with me, you will love me. I know you don't now but I will make you see that we share something special" his breath made me cringe involuntarily, as several waves of shivers swept over me.

"You were made for me, Cupcake. You are mine and mine only, understand?" He asked, his voice dangerously serious. Too adamant to reply, I felt him bite my earlobe gently making me gasp.

His intense gaze returned to me, as I stared at him, wide eyed. He smirked at my reaction of his action. His idiotic smile snapped me out of my shocked state, as I threw daggers at him.

"Understand?" He asked again, his eyes kept moving from my lips to my eyes.

Don't you dare, you pathetic freak!

"Whatever..." I mumbled to myself, his grip on my fists tightened, a yelp escaping my mouth.

"I didn't get you...." he spoke in that husky voice that had tormented my ears for the past few months.

"I understand..." I spoke calmly, dropping my eyes to my lap.

"Good" he released my hands and walked to the east part of the room.

"I understand.... not" I mumbled under my breath as he disappeared.

Red marks evidently appeared on my wrists. As I massaged the soreness away, vibrant light illuminated the room.

Instinctively, I shut my eyes than peered through my lashes. He stood by the switch, leaning against the wall, a weird dark look in his electrifying orbs. I glanced away from him, my gaze landing on the door a few meters away me.


Without hesitation, I jumped out of bed and made a beeline for the door. I was a meter away from the door when I heard Brian huff in annoyance and curse aloud.

My fingers wrapped around the doorknob, and twisted it to the right.


Inwardly rejoicing, I pulled the door open. However, my rejoicing came to a sudden halt as an arm wrapped around my waist firmly while the other clamped a cloth roughly onto my nostrils.

No... no... no...

A tear ran down my cheek as I analysed the situation I was in. Nevertheless, I fought him, struggling to break free of his iron grip.

"Don't fight me Yolanda. You won't prevail. Just give in. Breathe it" he spoke softly yet menacingly into my ear.

I continued holding my breath, stubbornly refusing to give in.

I can't fight him. My frail attempts are futile. It's either I breathe the chloroform on this cloth or I pass out from lack of oxygen....

He lifted me off the ground with his only arm around my waist, making me gasp. The powerful liquid quickly reacted, as I inhaled the slightly sweet smelling poison that vaguely resembled the smell of acetone.

As my body grew weary and limp, I welcomed the darkness with open arms, in hope that this was all a mere nightmare.


Hola incredible readers 😎

I think this is the quickest update I've ever done... or is it just me?🤔🤔

I know you've been anxious and excited about Yolanda ever since the.... you know. Ya think she's fine? Seems fine to be😁
*sarcastic smile*
Didn't imagine Brian as a creep, huh?

Now in the next update, there will be something interesting. Well at least it's interesting to me😏😒
Something revolving around the questions: What? Why? How?
I'll give you the opportunity to be detectives here, in coming up with theories about the next update. 🙄🙄

Hint: It's to do with Brian and Yolanda. How he fell for her... how it grew.... why he fell for her. It dwells in their past.

You can comment your suggestions here or private message me🙃😁

Thanks for reading this crap (or just scrolling through 😒). If you liked it; please vote & comment.
If you didn't................... that's your choice I guess.

Until the next chapter.......


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