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𝚂𝚉𝙰 𝙳𝚁𝙴𝚆 𝙱𝙰𝚁𝚁𝚈𝙼𝙾𝚁𝙴"0:35 ━❍───────── -4:00 , ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺𝚅𝙾𝙻𝚄𝙼𝙴 ▂▃▄▅

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"0:35 ━❍───────── -4:00 , ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺

Jaeda's POV
Before you think im crazy hear me out. I let the bullies get want they wanted for one final week. Why is that you may ask. Simply because i wanted them to enjoy their sick games before they played my game, where i made the rules.

I spent that whole week with amari, shopping for clothes, new makeup and everything. I also tried eating more meals. Sometimes it didn't work but i was really trying.

I also tried not to binge eat as well. I was getting better at it but sometimes, i failed- miserably too. "i think you should get this" amari said while holding up a bodycon dress.

"maybe that's a little too much amari" i joked before looking at the shirts in front of me. "just try it on ok?" he said while putting the dress in the pile of clothes that i had in the corner of the store.

"fine but what about this?" i asked, showing him a white top with butterflies on it. "it seems basic." he said with a shrug. "it's not basic, if anything you're basic" i said while slapping his hand.

I took all the clothes to the dressing room, before facing myself in the mirror. There were some days where i couldn't stand myself but then, there were plenty of days when i started to like who i saw staring at me.

I put on a pair of jeans, this time it didn't rip, thank goodness. And i paired it with the butterfly top that amari called 'basic'. I loved it. I did a few poses in the mirror before opening the door to show amari.

"ok! i see you!" he exclaimed while smiling at me. "do you like it?" i asked. "you shouldn't care if i like it jaeda, if you like it then i'll buy it for you" he said causing me to playfully roll my eyes.

"i like it but i'm paying for my own clothes" i said before going back into the dressing room. I placed the dress amari had picked out over my body.

It hugged me in places i didn't fully love yet. My waist, my hips, my thighs, my stomach. I didn't love them yet. But at least i was trying to.

"j? you good?" amari asked while knocking on the door. "yeah, i don't know if i like the dress" i mumbled about to talk it off. "let me see" he said causing me to sigh heavily before opening the door.

Amari's POV
I looked up when she opened the door, my mouth slightly falling open in shock. She looked amazing, sexy even. Normally i would call her beautiful but now she looked sexy, extremely sexy.

My eyes unintentionally travelled up and down her body. The dress hugged her curves perfectly. She looked amazing. "it's hideous right?" she asked causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"no! you-you look great j. really really good" i said as i stated at her. "i don't think i like it" she said as she looked at her figure in the mirror. "i think you should get it. it looks great on you. seriously" i said while watching her every move.

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