The Propagating Invasion

Start from the beginning

Hina: Your right.
My sister seated right beside me. Then I look at her and I saw that she has a smirking facial expression while she pointed at her cheeks. I guess it is my turn to give a good morning kiss. So I kissed my sister on the cheeks and suddenly, she hugged me tightly.
Hina: Sis?!

Sayo: You are surely the best sister that I could ever have!

Hina: hehehe! Thank you!
My sister let go of me and we continue to watch the news together while talking at the same time.
Hina: Sayo?

Sayo: Hm? What is it Hina?

Hina: Sis, you really change.

Sayo: Change of?

Hina: Everything! You are now open-hearted to others. Not anymore strictly of anything.

Sayo: Well, it is because of you Hina.

Hina: Eh? me?

Sayo: Yes, because of you, I realize something spectacular and life-changing.

Hina: What is it?!?! I want to know! Hehehe

Sayo: Secret! I want you to discover it.

Hina: Eh?! Fine! I will find it out!

Sayo: Good luck.
Another objective is created, Finding out what my sister means. Anyways, after that conversation, a news headline caught both of our attention.
News: Many people flocked to the Numazu Station last night. Hello, Happy World! Finally arrived at Numazu for their Charity Tour.

Hina: Oh! They are here!

Sayo: They are now famous.

Hina: Yeah.

Sayo: I wonder where are they staying.

Hina: Good taught.

Sayo: Anyway, go and change. I will wait here because we will go down now.

Hina: Okay!
I sand up and head towards the bathroom to get change.
(Sayo POV)
While Hina is in the bathroom, I stand up from the couch and I turn off the television. After, I proceeded towards the nightstand beside our bed and took my phone and my sparklence. Then, I proceeded to make the bed that Hina and I slept in. After, I waited for Hina at the door of our room. After a good 5 minutes of waiting Hina comes out already dressed, then we exited our room together. After we locked the door someone greeted us, it was Rei and Masuki.
Masuki/Masking: Yo! Morning!

Rei/Layer: Good morning both of you.

Hina: Morning, Rei-chan And Masuki-chan!

Sayo: Good morning to both of you as well. Where are you guys going?

Rei/Layer: Heading down to the bottom floor to eat and probably hang out in the auditorium or somewhere because both of us are avoiding turning on our phones after the recent news that is happening in Tokyo.

Masuki/Masking: Rei is right, I don't like to be hacked after all. How about you guys?

Sayo: Hina and I are going down as well. But not sure if Hina will eat because for some reason I am still not hungry. Just going to get a coffee.

Hina: I am still full, to be honest. But Going to eat something!

Sayo: Okay, let go?
Everyone agreed and we head straight towards the elevator and then went down. Once we made it down, We walk over to the buffet area. As we walk towards there, we passed by the lounge and saw a familiar face that is with someone that is also familiar.
Hina: Is that, Rui-chan from Morfonica?

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