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Some days went busy for both Arjun and Subhadra

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Some days went busy for both Arjun and Subhadra. In these days Subhadra had expected to have sometime from Arjun at least to ask about whether she's doing here well or not? But all in vain. She was sensing the pressure of unwrapped work over Arjun. But still each time when her hope had reciprocated with disappointment she felt sad.

One night Subhadra was admiring the memories of Dwarka which she had with her. Arjun entered in chamber, and was about to call her. But then dropped the idea noticing her engrossed state. He removed his accessories.

Then he went near the veena, and started to play a melodious tune. Subhadra had put all her attention to absorb each rhythm from the very first echoing of tune in air.

"You played so well, Arya. It's so splendid." Subhadra complimented Arjun when he finished.

"So queen liked it? I thought queen won't like to give attention to this attempt just like she does with me." Arjun's teasing smile and teasing tone made Subhadra frown.

"It's not me who needs to give attention. I am the one who needs to get attention, Arya." Subhadra complained with the same frown which formed on her face few times before.

"I am sorry, my queen. It wasn't intentionally." Saying this he got up from his place went towards her to hug her. But she turned, and started to move away.

He understood that mere words weren't enough to console his disappointed queen. So he picked her up in his arms making her astonish with open mouth.

He sat on couch, and made her sit on his lap.

"Can I get a smile of my queen which can make me relaxed?" He wishpered near her ear only to make her shiver.

"So you want me to smile only for your relaxation, Arya?" The previous frown again appeared on her face.

"So will you let your arya be with  administrative stress in the time which is supposed to be yours only?" He again teased her, and received a teasing smile from her also which vanished quickly after appearing on her face.

"It's not the smile which i asked for. It lasted less even than the lightening of thunder in sky." He pouted with fake sadness.

"You just said to smile. You didn't mention any specific, Arya." She took the turn of teasing from him.

He couldn't take her teasing more, and started tickling on her waist by gripping her waist tightly from one side.

She tried to stop him. But his grip was strong. So she was only giggling nonstop.

"A... ryaaa! Ple.... ase st... op." She managed to speak in between her giggling.

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