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It was late afternoon

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It was late afternoon. Kanha made his way towards garden, and saw Subhadra was sitting near waterfall with the reflection of being thoughtful on her face. He proceeded, and had a seat beside her. But still also he didn't get her attention. So Kanha side hugged her. But she immediately make herself away from his hug.

"Why broke the hug, Bhadre? You didn't use to do this." Kanha asked with innocence filled voice.

"Whatever you did you also didn't use to do, Bhratashri." Subhadra answered little angrily.

"What I did, Bhadre?" Kanha asked again with innocence.

"You know what I meant to say, Bhratashri. Now don't act." Subhadra also said maintaining her previous expression.

"Though i know all, but still i love to be a listener. Because the words represent views, and everyone has a view apart from the real truth. In order to know the reality the accurate modifications of previous existing is all necessary. Previous existing may be faulty, but still in journey of getting real truth that acts like foundation." Kanha stated the fact, and got a curious glare from Subhadra.

"Can you please explain this fact a little ahead, Bhratashri?" Subhadra asked almost forgetting that she wanted explanation of not about that fact, but about the deed of Kanha which made her upset.

"Every foundation has a land. Our heart is also like a land which hold foundations of our views. Only land can present facts about it's foundation. Because it's the holder of foundation. The sky above can give review about foundation, but can't represent it. Here your heart is the land where the foundation of your view situated which is the cause of your action in form of anger towards me. So only you can say about your view in form of reason better." Kanha explained, and took a sigh out of tiredness.

"So what's your roleplay in this fact, Bhratashri? Why you prioritized my part here?" Another question from Subhadra's side made Kanha close his eyes in realization of that the interrogation session would continue a long.

"Here my roleplay as sky who remains above, but can't represent, only can give review. Because sky don't have connection of foundation like land. Everywhere representation comes first followed by review. So now if you got cleared about fact then answer what I asked." Kanha huffed tiredly after explaining.

"You made me do what you wanted. But you didn't share the matter fully with me. Why you didn't tell about your companion of journey to me, Bhratashri?" Subhadra complained with her prime expression of this convo. ( i.e Anger)

Kanha was about to say. But,

"Don't say the oldie fact that every happening had a right time, and that time wasn't destined to be opened up in front of me." Subhadra warned him playfully.

"You know the answer. The exact answer. Apart from that you prohibited me to say the true answer. Before you dau also did the same. My siblings know the reasons behind my deed. But they don't feel those reasonable to accept. My miserable fate!" Kanha told with his best gesture of heart touching disappointment.

Subhadra melted as Kanha's saying was right with matching expression.

"Bhratashri, say about your friendship. How it started? As far as I remember we don't have any continuous friendly affairs of Hastinapur from a long time." Subhadra asked her prominent curiosity.

"You are right, Bhadre. Maharaj Pandu and pitashri had very old friendship. But after establishment of Dwarka, me and dau remain engaged in strengthening the picturization of Dwarka in scenario of Aryavart. So we didn't have catch up with Hastinapur from a long time. It's before eight years when Parth came to Dwarka in holy month of "Shravan" to serve Shri Somnath. We met each other, and our friendship started." After explaining Kanha started to drink water from the waterfall in front of which they were sitting.

Subhadra was in deep thoughts. It halted by Kanha's hand on her shoulder. We have now four days to have fun in annual fair. So now let's leave from here to have some rest. Subhadra nodded, and left silently.

So readers here's the next part

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So readers here's the next part.

Give response according to your heart and conscience.

Hey, LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN! Please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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