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All were proceeding with their obvious schedule

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All were proceeding with their obvious schedule. But mostly all were running busy with the preparations of marriage as there were only three days. Subhadra was searching Arjun to ask him about his wellbeing. Because yesterday night his behavior wasn't seeming normal for Subhadra.

She reached at practice arena. She saw him practice. His arrows were piercing target uninterruptedly. But still a glint of inattentiveness was present on his face. Subhadra witnessed that and went near to him.

She started practice in the same way as Arjun. Arjun figured out the same lacuna which Subhadra found before sometimes in his practice. Arjun went to her. He corrected her position, and pierced the target along with her by standing at back of her.

With this attempt some strands of Subhadra's hair brushed on Arjun's face. Arjun was so lost. Because it was first time he was close to a girl like that. Subhadra turned to him, and saw him lost. She snapped fingers in front of his face.

"Sakha, where you got lost again?" Subhadra questioned him.

"Sakhi, you should be only with practice while piercing target. Because piercing the target with arrow just a formality to show. In real before arrows the sharp visions of archer pierce the targets. If you would be inattentive then it's possible that your arrow may pierce target. But it can't enrich your excellency in archery. Because poor attentiveness lead to the chances of accusations in between our senses. When there would be no harmony, then no hold of good habituation which can form excellency." Arjun stated, and Subhadra admired him with smile.

"Whatever you rectified in my practice, you were doing the same during your practice, Sakha. I am sure a mighty warrior like you must not be unaware about what he was doing. Still how you couldn't be able to stop  unwanted influences on your practice?" Subhadra asked with surprise.

"We can't see our face without any reflecting medium. It's that medium through which we see our reflections, and can know about our appearances. Sometimes despite of  knowing the wrong we proceed with that. Reflections of our appearances can't help us in this. Because those reflections just follow us. At that time reflections of our inner senses, our conscience comes forward. Here you played the same role of inner sense for me, Sakshi." Arjun explained with a bright smile. Now it's time for Subhadra to be lost with amusement.

"Sakhi, now where you got lost?" Arjun asked her with the same expression as she asked him at first.

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