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That unknown place:

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That unknown place:

"He's avoiding this matter. He didn't give any confirmation, and you remained silent in front of him. What has happened to your tricky mind?" The first person growled in anger while kicking a big vase.

"I could haven't said anything. Because his saying was right. In this matter the authority of taking final decision belongs to someone else. So how could has he given confirmation?" Second person said in a extra sweet voice.

"Don't try to show your cunningness in word game in front of me. Why couldn't he confirmed? Don't any right belong to him in this case? Considering about that final decision taking authority is just an act of showing respect. If he wants then he can exercise his rights over that so called final decision taking authority. I have done so much effort to make my image best in front of him. I have acted like a dedicated Yuvraj to subjects. I have endured being humble to subjects. The people who don't have even worthiness to stand in front of me, I bowed my head in front of them. But in return what I got?" First person roared in anger and threw all the things nearby.

"Be patient. You just acted in front of him for few days. Before this he might have heard the praises of your goodness from others. So don't be impatient to get your desired outcome." Second one said, and first one glared with blood red eyes.

"Ok, fine. Let's do an announcement in our kingdom as an initiation from our side. If we do initiation then they can't back out." Second one said with evilness dripping voice and first one smiled at this.

At Dwarka:

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At Dwarka:

Royal family members were gathered at palace gate. All eyes were glued to the entrance. Even each item of decorations were eagerly waiting for the person whose simple gazing on them will make them fill with content about their existance.

At last wait ended, and a chariot appeared at entrance. Subjects were chanting hail of that person. Family members were sharing happy glances among each other. At last chariot stopped, and the person stepped off from chariot.

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