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Next morning had started with a hectic schedule for Arjun and Subhadra

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Next morning had started with a hectic schedule for Arjun and Subhadra. Arjun became busy with the pending state affairs, and Subhadra was engaged in  order to know about her new place to manage house hold properly. Like this afternoon came indicating the middle point of the cycle. The appearance of afternoon alerted all to have a halt to revive their spirit for task again.

Subhadra expected to meet Arjun. But that didn't happen. So she was a bit sad. Kunti figured out that, and consoled her. She advised Subhadra to have some leisure time to relax herself. Subhadra followed the advice. She went to library and took some books of her interest.

She was about to leave. But saw a cute Ganesh idol preserved carefully. She went near that idol, and was about to touch out of admiration. But the caretaker of library stopped her, and said her that Arjun had put restriction to went near that idol, or to touch it. She was taking steps to return back. But,

"Let her go near the idol. I have put restrictions for outsiders. She's not anyone. She's the queen, and has all right, over every possession here." A voice bloomed to get attention.

Subhadra turned to find Arjun, and smile appeared on her face immediately. He gestured all to leave from there to give them privacy.

"Arya! Why did you put restrictions about going near the idol?" Subhadra asked instantly which was all obvious.

"It was needed, Subhi. That's why." Arjun answered casually.

Subhadra went near to the idol, and greeted by bowing her head. After that she admired the idol with affectionate caressing.

"Anything different you feel, Subhi?" Arjun questioned in a little heavy tone.

"The one who had made this idol had poured all pure feelings in it. Don't know why I am feeling extremely happy near this idol. Softness of innocence is clearly evident at each bend and curve of this idol." She stated in a chirpy voice.

"I myself made this when I was four years old. It's a memory, Subhi." Subhadra's face lit up after hearing that.

"Really, arya? You had made it! But it seems so perfectly shaped that no one could even imagine that a four year old would have made it." Subhadra exclaimed with a glowing face, to which Arjun smiled.

"By the way I was coming from study. Saw you entered here. So came. Till now also I have so much matters to look after. Will meet you at night, Subhi." He indicated his leaving, and caressed her hairs in response of her saddened look.

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