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With sunrise the sun rays started to come into the chamber, to notify about a fresh start

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With sunrise the sun rays started to come into the chamber, to notify about a fresh start. Arjun was the first one to open his eyes only to get lost in admiration of the sleeping beauty who was clinging to him. He was lost in his admiration. Suddenly cold shiver filled his nerves. Not because of  the chilling wind of dawn. It's because of the brushing of his queen's lips over his heart when she was snuggling more into his hug.

He started to caress her long and luscious curls, and witnessed a cute dreamy smile on her lips. That insisted him to peck her lips. Then he started to go out while loosening her grip over him. But,

"Some more time please." A sleepy voice which was more than a soft melody stopped his moves.

After sometimes he tried to wake her up by calling. But neither any response not any reply he got. So he tickled her on the curve of her waist. That made her open eyes with a complaining look.

"I should get care from you, Subhi. Why your stare is holding complain for me?" He asked while pinching her nose.

"You started troubling me from morning itself, Arya. It's not fair." She told while rubbing her eyes to get rid of sleep fully.

"Troubling! Really? I just woke you up, Subhi." He countered her.

"I am saying about the way you wake me up." She hit his left arm playfully while countering back.

"I felt this way would go suitable. Because if I chose any other way then you would have tagged me as terrible." His smirk made her blush.

"Smart girl. Not arguing further." He was going near her face. But she started to pull blanket towards her. So that she can leave.

"Now it's my turn to have some more time." Saying this he pulled the blanket without caring about her pleading eyes.

Though his pull didn't have that much strength still it displaced the blanket to reveal her cleavage to him. He was pouring his love there by pecking repeatedly. She wanted to protest. But instead of that she was giggling with his morning pamper by closing her eyes.

After sometimes when she felt he was carrying her in arms she opened eyes, and he winked at her.

"Now why is this, Arya?" She raised eyebrows at him.

"You must be tired. So how can I leave you alone to have the burden of morning chores?" His reply cleared his intentions to her.

He put her in bath tub gently, and joined her in bathing. After noticing the water droplets sliding down from her chin to neck he started licking those with tongue.

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