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Subhadra came back from Somnath, and was feeling like on cloud nine after seeing dau

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Subhadra came back from Somnath, and was feeling like on cloud nine after seeing dau. She ran to his embrace in no time. Dau hugged her affectionately. Then after breaking of hug the session of complaining and convincing started. Dau was huffing in between with the lengthy complains of Subhadra. Kanha was having pleasure of witnessing that.

Dau signalled Kanha to help him. But Kanha ignored. Then dau pleaded to Kanha with gesture. But Kanha still didn't care. Dau repeated pleading Kanha. But he was witnessing dau's trouble by leaning couch, and in between he was giving teasing gestures also. Subhadra followed dau's glance in between of conversation, and saw Kanha's response to dau's glances. She understood all. Then Kanha also got dragged into the pleasantly enjoyable situation in which dau was before.

After two days Subhadra's sakhi, princess Bhanumati came to Dwarka. Subhadra met her at evening after her coming back from Somnath. Both were chatted happily, and slept in their respective chamber.

Next day:

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Next day:

After coming from Somnath, Subhadra was arranging her accessories in closet. Just then the white upper stole of Arjun caught his eyesight. She took that out, and started caressing it softly. That day Arjun didn't ask her back that upper stole, and she also didn't return that back to him.

( If anyone confused here about how Subhadra have Arjun's stole then check out chapter sixteen - THE BET. You will get clear about it.)

Subhadra was lost in caressing that upper stole with an admiring smile on her face. Bhanumati noticed this. She went to her with slow steps, and jerked her shoulder suddenly. Subhadra came out of her world.

"Who's he, Sakhi?" Bhanumati asked her with mischievous voice.

"It's a upper stole, Sakshi. So it's not who's he. It can be whose is this?" Subhadra said casually while folding that upper stole.

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