"In his socks beneath his slacks." I chuckled at the spontaneous rhyme.

"Really?" Enzo beamed, looking straight into my face.

"Yeah, left leg where the tattoos are. You probably couldn't see because his right leg was obstructing it and you moved closer to him. You're tall so it's hard to see what's below but I saw when he was shifting and his slacks rode up."

"Impressive. Very impressive." He smiled at me before continuing our journey.

We came to a halt at a big black door with two capital letter R on it. Enzo pushed it opened and ushered me inside.

"Stay here and behave. I'm going back to the game. Luciano will be with you soon." He said before closing the door.

He's leaving me.

Before I turned around I heard the door opening again and say Enzo push his head through.

"Oh and thanks for the little piece of info." He wink at me then left, right after shutting the door.

I was awestruck when I finally turned to look where I was. It was a relatively large office decked with dark brown furniture which almost seemed black. The only light present in the room was a small lamp steadily seated on the table directly beside a some neatly stacked files. This might seem odd but it was beautiful. So quiet, so silent, so serene.

As I stepped further into the room I smiled when I felt the black furry carpet beneath my bare feet. A sense of peacefulness wash over me as I moved along, with the soft furs tickling between my toes. A musky scent lingered in the air. A scent so manly but so fucking sweet. I felt my head swell with pleasure and I inhaled deeply try to collect enough into my lungs.

I found myself walking over to a shelf of books not too far away from the desk as they caught my interest.

The shelf was unbelievably clean, not a speck of dust could be seen or felt as I ran my finger across the sturdy wood. There were books of many kind, I was surprised to see some on politics, law, crime, drugs and even medicine. There were only a few story books but a particular one caught my eye. The title was what captivated my attention.

The People Who Eat Darkness.

Sounds terrifying. I opened it and read the prologue but quickly shut it.

Fuck. What if that's what's going to happen to me.

God forbid.

As I was putting the book back where I found it when I heard the office door open and slam shut. Before I could turn around to get a glimpse, fear rode me like a horse down south.

"What the fuck are you doing?" A deep and cavernous voice roared behind me. The book fell from my hand and I froze in shock. I felt the pee trying to escape and I squeeze my legs, eyes and fist shut.

I heard loud footsteps approaching me but I stood still, looking somewhat like a mannequin. I felt a big hand grab my shoulder and as quick lightning would strike, I was spun to face the person that had caught me.

I had no idea who it was nor did I wish to find out so I kept my eyes tightly shut. At this point I was too terrified to even tremble.

"Open your fucking eyes and answer me whore." The voice boomed again, causing my eyes to shoot open.

I slowly looked up and was frightened by what I saw. So frightened, I pissed myself. A little bit, maybe a drop.

Before me stood the most attractive man I had ever seen. I thought Enzo was good looking but this man, he was beyond the looks of a normal man. He had to be carved specially by the hands of Gods. His muscles protruded off his body like thorns sticking from a rosebush. The were like mountains or winding roads, curving at various corners. They rose and fell like huge human speed bumps and had no trouble revealing themselves beneath his black dress shirt. The man is a sex god.

I looked up at him and my neck hurt, seeing he was maybe 6'8. His jaw ticked as I saw him staring down at me with rage and hatred burning in his forest green eyes.

I change my mind. He's a damn demon.

Fucking incubus.

I stared into his eyes, mine burning with a different emotion from the ones in his. Mine was fear. The man had a neatly shaved black beard and his hair slicked back on his head. His resemblance to Enzo was undeniably noticable.

"Did you not hear me. What the fuck are you doing in here?" He shouted in my face. Thank God his breath wasn't stink, I probably would've died. However, his outburst caught me off guard and then the most embarrassing thing happened.

I felt warm almost hot liquids gushing down my leg, wetting my underwear and forming a small puddle around my feet on the floor.

I peed myself.

I tried stopping it but it wouldn't it just kept coming, forcefully. I started trembling. Feeling goosebumps rise on my skin, I stared up at the man before me but he was staring at the pee on the floor.

I felt tears prickle at my eyes and I tried my best to hide them. His head slowly rose and I was greeted with a blank expression on his face.

"I... I" I tried to explain myself but nothing came to mind. How the fuck do you explain how you piss yourself. A grown ass woman.

"What the fuck!" He shouted at me again, grabbing my hand and forcefully pulling me.

What do I do? What do I do?

Play dead bitch.

And that's exactly what I did. I played dead, my body falling to the floor completely limp. To my surprise, the heartless man still held unto my hand.

He began hauling my unconscious, well still conscious but he doesn't know that. Yes, he hauled my unconscious body by my hand and my feet effortlessly carried pee from the puddle it the corner. It trailed my feet leaving a trail behind me as he dragged my body to the couch. I felt like a snail, or slug.

He set my body on the couch and I heard him groan loudly before sighing.

"Enzo!" He shouted. "Get your fucking ass in here!"

Oh no.

"NOW!" He shouted and I almost flinched but kept my unconscious composure.


Thanks Luvs 😜❤️

Hope you enjoyed this chapter 😌.

Please 🙏🏽:


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