I started backing away from him.

Sorry I ain't tryna end up in a suitcase drifting in the middle of a river.

He grabbed my hand before I could get further away from him and grumbled, "Andiamo. Mi stai facendo perdere tempo." Before hauling me from the room and down a towering hallway.
[Let's go. You're wasting my time]

As I walked or rather jogged trying to keep up with his pace, he released my hand and I sighed in relief.

I watched as his tall frame strutted before me and his muscles flexed effortlessly. His broad shoulders and thick neck were quite attractive but his ass. Yes his ass took the cake.

Glutes contracting and relaxing with his every step had my eyes mesmerized. I was so distracted I almost tripped over my own feet.
He just looked back at me and shook his head.

As we neared and area in the apparent mansion or castle. Well it must be a fucking castle cause the halls are huge. I heard alot of commotion. Loud boisterous laughter had no trouble traveling to reach my ear and a fearful feeling tugged at my heart. The voices were like thunder, I cannot explain how deep the bass was. Almost had me pissing myself.

"You're a bloody liar Carlo. Fucking cheat!" I heard someone shout and a loud bang. It wasn't a gunshot, more like the reaction of someone's hand hitting wood. Nevertheless it still caused me to flinch.

When we arrived at the source of the noise, the man before me stopped for a minute before stepping into the room. Inside there were about eight men gathered, four of which sat around and medium sized tabled with card in their hands.

They were playing cards. That's what caused all that noise.

Well judging by their sizes it hard to expect silence. They were as big as the one I was following and in covered with tattoos too.

The smell of alcohol and marijuana danced through my nostrils and down into my lungs. I gagged a bit not wanting to cough and draw attention to myself. I stood outside of the room looking in on them as they were absorbed in the game of cards.

"What's he done this time?" I heard the guy I was following laugh, making his way over to the table.

"I didn't do shit." One of the guys at the table laugh defending himself.

"Oh fuck off Carlo. You always fucking cheating. You know how he is Enzo." He pointed at the guy I was following with one hand while carefully observing the cards he had in the other.

So that's his name. Enzo.

Nice name. Not so nice guy.

"Yeah. I know how he is. Fucking puttana always being sneaky." Enzo laughed.

"Oh come on bro, you gonna side with Marco." He faked disappointed and Enzo grinned. " Dante you know what's up." He pointed to one of the other guys at the table trying to get someone on his side.

"I don't know man, ask Aldo. He's seen everything." Dante said, I'm assuming that's him.

Carlo just sucked his teeth. And then unnamed one at the table chuckled. I'm guessing he's Aldo.

"Why you don't ask me Carlo." Aldo grinned.

"Fuck off." Was all Carlo said before looking back at his cards.

"You don't wanna ask me cause you know I know you a fucking cheat huh?" Everyone laughed at Aldo's remark and he continued.

"Enzo am telling you, he ain't lose one game and we been playing for hours now. The man's a cheat bro. I was sitting here in one round feeling already victorious cause I got a good ass hand." He stood up and made his way to Enzo who had a crazy grin on his face. "I'm here playing like a pro and then boom. This motherfucker right here stole the game."

He placed his hands on Enzo's shoulder with a strong manly grip as everyone laughed. "I'm telling you ain't no fucking way he won all the games honestly." Enzo had his hands folded across his chest, standing firm and laughing hysterically.

"This brother." Aldo pointed to Carlo. "Is a cunning bitch."

I was frightened to see Carlo dying of laughter.

As strange feeling washed over me as I saw them. They were somewhat like a family.

Something I never had.

"Whatever, fuck you Aldo." Carlo grinned as also took his seat again.

"I know I got Ashley on my side. Right Ashley?" He looked behind him and I followed his eyes.

I realized something I hadn't noticed before. There were two black men sitting on a small table smoking with a white girl sitting between them. My eyes scanned the room more thoroughly and I saw another black man standing and talking with two other men.

Good to know I ain't the only person of color up in this bitch.

"She's busy." I was pulled from my thought as one of the black men spoke, right before latching his mouth to the girl's nipple, sucking it though her blouse.

Carlo sucked his teeth going back to the game and the girl giggled, rubbing the guys head as he devoured he chest.

Suddenly her eyes landed on me and she cocked he her to the side, a frustrated look on her face.

"Who's that?" She pointed at me and in a fraction of a second ...




I love you guys so much 😍😍😍

Please remember

Until next time.......

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