Part 1

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After School, Jin Wentai and I went to Hai Guang's Tennis Court. Jin Wentai is my brother, he is on the tennis team and he is the genius. I sat on the balcony watching my brother practicing with his teammates.

"Ensemble." Shouted Bai Shiting, the captain of Hai Guang as every player got in line. "Ok, next week we will have our first match with Ying Cai." Announced Bai Shiting.

"Our goal is the National Championship so we can't lose." Ordered Bai Shiting. "Yes sir." Said all the players together. "You are dismissed." Said Bai Shiting. Jin Wentai walked towards me and said "Come on sis." As he grabbed his bag. "Great practice today." said Wang Yaren as he carried his bag. "See you tomorrow." Added Lu Sheng.

Then Lu Sheng glanced  over Jin Wentai's back and saw her sister. Then  whispered. "Is that your sister?" Asked Lu Sheng curiously.

"Yeah, she comes  to watch me practice." Answered Jin Wentai. "Anyway I gotta go, I'll see you guys tomorrow." Said Jin Wentai as he walked pass them  as her sister followed her behind him brushing her hair in front of Wang Yaren and Lu Sheng and smiled.

On our way home. "I'm so good on my skill which is walking on tightrope." bragged Jin Wentai to me. "And the captain said that I was the best and the genius on the tennis team." Bragged Jin Wentai as I started kicking the stone. "Are you listening to me." Jin Wentai asked.

"Yep." I lied and sounded depressed as I started holding my racket with my index finger. "Sis, what's wrong?" Jin Wentai asked as he hug me in his arms.

"Ever since I was a child, my dream is to join a tennis team and play." I said. "But I'm sure your captain won't allow me to join." I said as I lowered my head.

"Hey hey, you can asked my captain and show your skills I'm sure he would understand." Said Jin Wentai smiling. I leaned my head on my brother's shoulder. "Come on, let's go home" said Jin Wentai as he grabbed his bag and my bag.

The next day after tennis practice, I ran over to look for Captain Bai Shiting. "Hi um my name is Jin Chuyou." I said as I hand him my hand to shake his hand smiling sweetly. "Hi my name is Bai Shiting." As he shook my hand.

"Are you Jin Wentai's younger sister?" He asked. "Yeah how did you know?" I asked confused. "I thought so." Said Captain Bai Shiting.

"Anyway, I was wondering if I could join your tennis team?" I asked smiling. He stopped smiling and said "i'm sorry but girls aren't allowed to join." He said coldly.

My heart dropped into a million pieces and  my eyes started to Water. "Please, I can help you win the national championship." I begged. "Look young lady I tried to be nice but you are a girl so I don't think so." Said Captain Bai Shiting start walking away.

"I can show you my skills." As I pulled my dark prince racket out of my bag. "Look I have more important things to do and I don't have time arguing with a girl." He said sharply.

When he left, my eyes start to water and I felt my life was over when my brother came and said "it's fine, our captain had a bad day, you can try again tomorrow." Jin Wentai suggested as he hand me a tissue paper to wipe my tears. "Thanks." I said as  I wipe my tears.

On the next day of tennis practice, "you are dismissed." Announced Bai Shiting. "Remember to practice and be ready for the next match against Ying Cai." Bai Shiting warned the players. "Wait." I said as I tried to catch my breath the Captain glance over and roll his eyes as others started to whispered and giggled.

"Who is this beauty." Snarled Yuan Chi as he giggled with Wang Yaren and Lu Sheng. I saw my brother getting embarrassed, his face turn red.

"Wait, is that your sister?" Asked Wang Yaren glance  at Jin Wentai. " ye yeah." Jin Wentai stuttered. "What did I told you yesterday?" Ask Bai Shiting as he got close to me. "Can I please join your tennis team, I'm been playing tennis since I was five." I explained to the captain. "You, a girl?" Asked Wang Yaren. "Want to join our team." Wang Yaren finished. "Yeah." I smile sweetly.

"Hahahaha." Wang Yaren, Lu Sheng and Yuan Chi laughed. "So this is all about?" I ask furiously. "Just because I'm a girl?" I asked. Wang Yaren, Lu Sheng, Ke Jie and Yuan Chi smirked. "You know, you shouldn't really judge someone before you get to know them." I said. "Yeah, right you just a freshman who knows nothing." Snarled Yuan Chi then they laughed.

"That enough!" Jin Wentai screams. "If a boy can do something so can I girl." Jin Wentai said. "ENOUGH." Captain Bai Shiting shouted at the players. "Look Jin Chuyou, I'm sorry but you can't join this is a boy's team not a mixed." Said Bai Shiting calmly.

"Now Scram" shouted Tian Zilong pointing his finger. Bai Shiting pushed me to the side. "You are dismissed." Said Bai Shiting.

Everyone stare at giggled and laughing very hard that it hurts. "Now, what are you waiting?" Ask Bai Shiting. "Please I begged you." I said as my eyes start watery. "Like I said you can't join." Said Bai Shiting. But.. I said then he cut me at. "I don't want to waste my time arguing with you." Said Bai Shiting then he left.

I grabbed my bag and ran as fast as I can with tears in my eyes. "Wait sis, hold on" Jin Wentai said and I ignore him.

"See your sister is not born to join a tennis team." Said Lu Sheng. "Look, Lu Sheng you should never judge my sister before get to know her." Jin Wentai warned him.

"She is gifted." Jin Wentai shouted at Lu Sheng's face then he walks away to find my sister. Lu Sheng glared at Jin Wentai. "Yeah right." Lu Sheng in his head as he chuckled.

"What happened?" Asked Wang Yaren at Lu Sheng. "Jin Wentai said his sister is gifted" Lu Sheng chuckled. "Yeah right." Wang Yaren smirked. "Such a lie!" Said Wang Yaren as he chuckled and walks away with Lu Sheng.

Enjoy and please vote for my stories that would be great! :)

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