Chapter- 30

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The day after the engagement

Mia POV-

I woke up with my sore body. oh gosh, how many hours of sleep did I even get?

I checked the time to see it's almost 8 am.

Ahh, perks of being an early riser.

It's not really early- I slept at 5 am.

I'm damn sure that everyone must be sleeping now in this house.

I decided to go to my office today after an almost 2 weeks vacation, I went office in between but it surely is not enough. The career line I'm in It requires lots of attention. After going to my parent's house I am not able to focus on my work.

Sharp at 9 am my cab arrived and we made the way to my office.

The henna and the ring in my hands will make it pretty evident to everyone that I'm engaged. Plus if Priya would have come to the office then she would have already told half of the office about my engagement already.

I finally opened my phone to see lots of messages and notifications congratulating me on my engagement.

And news, even though Vaarin's is not really that much into paparazzi but the photos are virals, It was the photo which Shilpa Aunty had posted.

Do you know few people who aren't really known by normal people but are still in the newspaper and famous? Vaarin is one of them. I got to know about it by Shilpa aunty social media, she has like Idk how many followers--

I'm pretty sure people in my office are not really into news and all so I don't think it would be a problem but what about Advik? He is always up to date with the news of all over the world soo...

Why am I worrying? It's good no! He will know it from beforehand and it will be less headache for me only.

I sighed as I looked at the picture in which we, me and Vaarin,  had our forehead against each other, closed eyes. In peace, we both looked in peace, so relaxed and carefree. And I'm afraid to add but we looked so in love, this could make single envy us.

I didn't get any time to discuss whatsoever Shilpa aunty was talking at the dinner table with my family or my dear friends or Vaarin.

Did he know about it? If yes then he agreed? If no then will he oppose? He said that he doesn't want to hurt his mom so does that mean he will obey her? Damn then will we really have to live in one house? Gosh, At least we will have different rooms! And I would get time to tell him the truth, but where will I start from.

I exited the car after paying the fare to the driver.

I put on the fake smile as the guard opened the gate for me, he nodded and smiled back at me.

"Morning" I greeted back all the employees who greeted me.

Before stepping on the staircase I wanted to ask the ground floor receptionist that if Priya has arrived or not.

"Hey, Morning Ishaan" I wished him. where is the other receptionist? I questioned myself.

"Good morning ma'am, how are you so fine this morning?" He said with a cheeky smile.

First I thought he was asking that if I'm fine or not but later I realized it was a compliment.

I let out a small chuckle and shrug while replying "I don't know" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Anyway Naira hasn't arrived yet?" I questioned about the missing receptionist, as I forgot that I wanted to know if Priya has come or not

"No ma'am, not yet she looked pretty sick these past days" he replied with empathy.

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