Sayo: It's fine... I am not mad, it is just... your voice sounds so...

Hina: Eh? Sis is thinking dirty images about me?! hehehe!

Sayo: I am not! Go get change now, Mari called us to come to her room.

Hina: Okay, Sayo-chan!

Sayo: Hmph, fine you may call me by my first name. Just don't it every time And especially don't call me by my first name when the others are around. Got it?

Hina: Roger, sis!

Sayo: Good.
So, Hina went to her suitcase and grabs a pair of clothes, and then proceeded to the bathroom to get change. As for me, I did the same but instead of proceeding to the bathroom to get change, I change right beside the bed. After changing, I moistures my face and arrange my hair. Then, I grab and buckle my belt with my sparklence and hyper keys to my waist.

After completed everything that I need to do, I proceed to sit down on the couch in the small living room in our hotel room and wait for Hina to get done. As I wait, someone is calling me through my phone, I took it out and saw it was Aya calling. So, I accept the call.
Sayo: Hello Aya-san, good morning. What can I help you with?

Aya: Good morning too, Sayo-san. Just asking is Hina with you right now?

Sayo: Yes Hina's is with me and we are not in Tokyo at the moment. Why?

Aya: Nothing much, I just want to check if you guys still searching for Chisato-chan.

Sayo: Yes we are still aware, but sadly we don't have luck yet in finding her, even the foundation has no clue yet...

Aya: I see... I hope we can find her soon rather than later. The band hasn't practiced for almost 3 weeks now...

Sayo: Don't worry I know we can find her. Just believe in it.

Aya: Thank you, Sayo-san. I have to go now.

Sayo: Okay, stay safe out there.

Aya: I will.
I ended the call with Aya. I am still worried about Chisato, where could she be? Anyways, I heard a door open and it was Hina, dressed up and ready to go.
Hina: Sayo-chan, I am ready!

Sayo: hmm... I am still not used that you call me by my first name Hina.

Hina: I am sure you will get used to it, sis! Let us go!

Sayo: Yeah. Let us head out now.
I check the time and it is 6:45 am in morning. Then, I grab the key card to the room, put it in my pocket then Hina and I exited our room and making sure that it was lock. Then we proceeded to walk to the top floor where Mari's room is.

While walking in the hallway, I talked to Hina about the call that I just have with Aya about Chisato's whereabouts. Then, one of the room's doors opens, and we see Rinko leaving her room.
Sayo: Rinko-san, Good morning.

Hina: Rinko-chan morning! Where are you going?

Rinko: Ah, Sayo-san, Hina-chan, good morning. Mari-san texted me that she wants me to head to her room on the top floor of the hotel.

Sayo: Oh, we have the same agenda. Mari also contacted us.

Hina: I wonder what could Mari-chan summoned us for.

Rinko: Same, I don't know the reasons.

Sayo: Let us go together then.
So, the three of us continue to walk in the hallway until we reached the elevator. Then I press the button and the doors open then we went inside. After, I press the 5th-floor button, and then the door closed. Once after the elevator ride, we exited the elevator and then we look around us and noticed that there is only one door and it is at the end of the hallway. So we proceeded to the door and knock on it.
Sayo: Hello, Mari-san.

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